Fun at The WT This Morning

by OneFingerSalute 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneFingerSalute

    So OFS was at the WT this morning, and on par. 14 the question was, "What trust can a faithful Christian whose relative is disfellowshipped have?"

    After awhile when no one else raised their hands OFS did, and was called on.

    OFS commented, "One of JW can have the trust that God will lovingly give them the ability to uphold the disfellowshipping arrangement by totally SHUNNING family members."

    No heads bobbing this time. Long pause by the conductor.

    Afterwards OFS was called aside and informed that, "We do not shun."

    OFS pulled out the handy-dandy tablet and pulled up jw dot org, scrolled to the FAQ and said, "Well according to the governing body we do!" Then OFS pointed out the answer under the question "Do Jehovah's Witnesses Shun Former Members of Their Religion?" This is the direct quote. "If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped."

    When the elder said that was probably just the way the writer phrased the answer OFS asked, "So the governing body are not aware of contradicting information being provided by the one true source of Bible information, jw dot org?"

    Conversation came to an abrupt end. Thank goodness!

  • millie210

    You are very brave!

    Glad to know that is on the website - I avoid that place.

    So obviously I am not the only one who didnt know that the word shunned is used on the site.

    How embarrassing for your counselor.

    He didnt know till you showed him....the information merry go round that is the Org is spinning faster and faster

  • hoser
    Too funny. Most jay dubs don't know what their religion teaches.
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This is an issue that is incredibly inconsistent across JWdom. Some JWs shun but don't call it shunning. Some JWs shun and proudly call it shunning. Some JWs don't really shun but pretend to in front of each other to avoid "stumbling."

    Sounds kind of like your congregation is mostly the former.

  • Tornintwo
    Nice one! They act like shunning is a dirty word but that is actually what they do!
  • Vidiot

    OFS, you are a bad, bad, man...


    EDIT: IMO, fundies who shun but deny they shun do so because, deep down, they know just how f**ked-up it really is.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Kool! Great way to make JW think with out blowing your cover.
  • oppostate

    Oooooooh, I think that elder's gonna be having some serious thinking to do after that one.

    Kudos OFS, that took good preparation, poise, excellent delivery and large cojones above all!

  • Ding
    You'll be marked now... for showing up an elder by knowing more about WT teaching than he does...
  • steve2
    Multiply this across hundreds, if not thousands of congregations in western countries and you begin to see why the GB keeps hammering the shunning message - nowadays JWs are less likely to shun first degree relatives.

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