Compliments For The Ladies, A Gentleman's Task?

by invisible 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Celtic Mark is often seen to be swimming out of his depth when it comes to the psychological makeup of women. Frankly, they puzzle me, quite irksome creatures, endearing yes, but still ruddy irksome, flummox me a tad they do, so in sagitaurian putting your foot in it style, I am asking you for your advice.

    When it comes to the ladies, what attitude is it specifically in a guy that you enjoy seeing displayed towards you? What actions on the guys behalf make you smile or laugh or shriek out in utter exasperation at our endeavours to win over your favour? Do you enjoy receiving compliments that are genuine or do you baulk at the idea, thinking that our minds are only on the one thing? How better, in an idealistic world would you have all men, treat you? What simple displays on the part of the male species enable that slow sweet inner smile to sweep across the features of your face? And how might we/I do this more often, so that we may act naturally with more respect and affection towards you?

    1001 More questions, but that will suffice for now.

    Kind regards and all that oodling bumpth.

    Celtic Mark - Mystical Cornwall UK

  • jst_me

    I like smart guys. They dont have to have an education, they just cant be stupid.
    I like guys that treat me like any other friend they have. I HATE being treated like a dumb girl.
    That is why I like my guy so much....we are just buds. There is really only one time when it matters that I am a girl...and that is just fine by me.

  • WildTurkey

    Not that Im an expert on the matter of women, but I think women really likes a guy who listens to them and not try to solve their problems. I think women should be treated like an equal in most areas and in other areas treated special, for example, I dont feel right about sitting while a lady stands, I think a man should open doors for ladies, I know I might offend some, but it is what I believe.

  • Europe

    Wowwww, WildTurkey, I didnt know men like that still exist;-)))

    And dont worry, I dont think a woman will be offended when you open a door for her! Perhaps surprised??;-)

  • joannadandy

    What attitude do I enjoy seeing? Thoughtfullness. This goes for anyone not just men. People who value the little things, and express this enjoyment in small things, and share those small things with others constantly amaze me and give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    Actions? Again ties into thoughtfullness. Sending an e-mail about nothing in particular, just to say I am thinking of you, or a post-it note with the same sentiments. Any time a guy is willing to be a goofball to just try and make me laugh I will feel gratitude toward the effort. Exasperation comes when you try to impress me with either manly bar fight stories, how much money you make, how many women you banged, what kind of car you drive, how much you can bench press etc. BORING! Exasperation comes when you try to alter how I behave, and criticise what I do. I don't do that to you, I would respect the same in return. More exasperation comes when after we have had a lovely evening, and I tell you so, you keep asking me if I am having a good time, or constantly need to be assured of the status of our relationship. Also just as annoying is being told how all women are psycho, and constantly talking about your ex. No one is free from blame in a relationship, she probably thinks you are just as psyho.

    Genuine compliments are ALWAYS appreciated. Do I think your minds are only on the one thing, let's not kid ourselves, they ususually are, and just a little hint, ours usually are too. But you can easily fake us out if you compliment something non-physical, like wit, intelligence, laugh, etc. But if you tell us what a great body we have, eyes, boobs, whatever--we tend to think that's ALL you value us for.

    All I ask is to be treated with respect. I think that goes for anyone. And both genders need some work in that respect.

    And how might we/I do this more often, so that we may act naturally with more respect and affection towards you?
    You should ALWAYS behave naturally--well as much as possible, and if respect and affection are not natural for you--well then don't fake it! You will be found out eventually, and besides, if that's not a behavioral trait of yours, then why bother. Women need to accept men for what they are, just as men need to do the same on behalf of women. The genders are built and wired differently. Deal.
  • SYN

    Generally, most people will appreciate a sincere compliment. However, as someone has already mentioned, treat the girl like the equal she is.

  • zenpunk

    Right on SYN! Don't be condescending to her. Whenever I show up at a remote site, the process engineers don't quite know what to think of me and sometimes I get some attitude or talked down to. I hate that.

  • expatbrit
    most people will appreciate a sincere compliment.

    Yep. Once you can fake sincerity, you've got it made.


  • jack2

    Nicely put Joanna - good points for all guys to keep in mind.

    zenpunk -

    Don't be condescending to her. Whenever I show up at a remote site, the process engineers don't quite know what to think of me and sometimes I get some attitude or talked down to. I hate that.

    Interesting. Insecure guys, it would seem - perhaps threatened by a woman who knows as much (maybe more?) about their profession as they do.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Armani Mania will get her attention....Armani Mania will keep her attention...and Armani Mania will have you escorting her home after the last dance

    Armani Mania is the newest aphrodisiac on the market for ladies, approx $116 for 100mls.


    ps..sincere compliments are nice also...

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