nancee and hawkaw why would someone dilbertly start a false and bogus story on purpose, that is pretty rotten if you ask me. If it is bogus as you say then I agree so who ever is in control of the board go ahead and delete it please.
by orangefatcat 30 Replies latest jw friends
I have also checked with insiders in Mill Hill who have heard nothing of this event.
Best - HS
nancee park
Why? Possibly they are nuts, stupid or work for the Watchtower. It would be a good idea though to actually point out to UK police that if they were to seek out documents on pedophilia coverups including among Watchtowerites, it could help them crack the case they are now involved with and or possibly others.
Orangepussycat, There is no reason to delete the post, no-ones been overtly maligned nor have any provable lies been told as of yet. Yet!
Edited by - Englishman on 21 August 2002 11:58:24
What could they have been looking for? Missing publishers, perhaps!
Cheers, ozzie
Hi Orangefatcat:
I am a little upset about it. I found it somewhat significant and someone just takes it and they think it funny. I am not amused.
The issue of pedophilia is not funny, and NO ONE said it was. Nothing in your post, or its identical version posted yesterday by DevonMcBride, said anything about JW pedophiles. Rather, both posts quote some unverified source named "Paul" for an event that others above are now saying never happened.
The reason that your post was moved to the "Entertainment, Humor and Joke" section is because the board does not have a "Strange, X-File" section ... many things are said by many people on this and other sites, much of which is not fully verifiable ... but when we make claims about the Watchtower Society or any specific person or entity, such claims that are most newsworthy, then at least quote a little more then some guy named Paul.
The poster above who noted that this kind of material could cause unfounded rumors is correct, and it seems that until such things are verified, care needs to be taken. heck, Simon has moved many posts around after the fact ... including several of mine ... and I suspect he will move more. The post is fine as it is, but does not seem to fit the main board.
This is definitely just a rumor.
I emailed a friend in England and this is his reply:
"I don't believe the Watchtower here has been raided, I guess we would
heard by now if it had...Take it as a rumour. The Watchtower would make
noise than us ex's if they had been raided! You know how they like to
everyone know how extremely persecuted they are! Police raids would be
exciting for them.
I do know a friend of ours has just had a letter back from the
that states police have the rights to obtain criminal material that
religious organisations such as the Watchtower try to keep hidden, this
would obviously call for raids etc...maybe that's were the rumour
started."Paul posted that it was a rumor he heard. His site is legit.
I think rumours like this could be started by dubs just to stir things up with us! It nearly worked............
Big Tex
Of course it's just a rumour. It ought to happen, but it won't.
funny thread. Orange? You crack me up.