I think the answer is simple,
A person who condemns others for not living up to the ideals of a certain religion when in practice they do likewise, is a Hypocrite. Therefore Friday, You Know and Bleep show themselves to be the lowest form of Christainity in the opinion of Jesus Christ. They are low life hypocrites who fellowship with those they condemn in order to try and feel superior. In the congregations they have been or are now associated with, they are looked down on as nothings, so they come here to try and grab some superiority by attacking those who could care less. Little men with large hyprocrisy wasting their lives pretending to be something they are not. You wouldn't really qualify to be a Pharisee as you never even made to their level, you are more like a "white trash" Pharisee whose peers do not even acknowledge you exist. You get more tolerance on this forum than you would ever get in the congregation, therefore this is the only "spiritual paradise" you know and you twits take a dump in it every chance you get. And you call us screwed up?