Some "brother" has collected programs of all main conventions 1969-2001. Anyone find this interesting for your studies about WT? Any speeches before 1975 interesting? (I had no time for research)
Programs of all main conventions 1969-2001
by Aaac 10 Replies latest jw friends
Funny how the talk titles don't seem to have differed all that much over the years.
Until 1973 there was a morning, afternoon, and evening session - going all the way until 9:00 at night! There were five days, although day 1 started in the afternoon (no morning session) and day 5 ended in the afternoon (no evening session).
They used to go out in service just about each morning after a brief session until 1973.
One thing I noticed, is how almost all the conventions include talks about obeying "divine" authority. Brainwashing at it's best
This was fun to look at for a geek like me.
I remember the programmes used to have the speakers names and information specific to that particular location. Now they do the cheaper option and print the same one for all the conventions. You still see some dubbies write the bruvvas name on the programmme. You have to remember that d-con speakers are little celebrities in the Jdub world!
Drool! Spit ,Saliva, ........Statistics show that if their was a drool contest in the world.......a dub convention would collect the most Saliva. This is caused from very deep sleeping HUMANS THAT ARE SO BOARD ....the instantly go into REM sleep......which is the sleep that produces the most drool from a upright leaning head position.
Some of my best dreams have been at the conventions.
I hope this helps.