Hi All,
I just got back from Newport Beach, where I had laser surgery on my eyes. Since the 5th grade, I have had to wear glasses. Each year my eyes have have needed a new prescription for stronger glasses into my 30's. When I took my glasses off, if I didn't put them exactly in the same place every time, I wouldn't be able to find them, even if they were only a foot in either direction.
I can now see perfectly, what a miracle!!!! My opthamologist told me that I would need glasses for reading after the surgery, but a week later, I can see sharp and clear far away and I can also read the phone book. I find I don't need glasses at all.
For those of you that can see, this is no big deal. But for those of you that have been waiting for years to get the surgery we have been hearing about for years, I can tell you, the time is now. This is fantastic.