Im a huge Cowboy fan but I dont think they will make it to the Super Bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong. Ok here is who I think as of right now Pittsburgh Stealers and San Francisco 49ers and God I hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey 307 Replies latest social physical
I have no predictions, except one. I know that "Figo" will not be the MVP of the superbowl, because the "futbol" he plays is a sissy sport that has no right to be named in a manner that infringes on the rich heritage of American football.
Go Rams!!!
I love 'em even if they are owned by a bi$%h who stole them from Los Angeles.
cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys cowboys
heathen, I like the way you think! I hope you are right.
San Francisco 49ers and God I hate them both
I'm a lifelong 9er fan having watched them play all the way back into the 1950's at Kezar Stadium. But if I were a cowboy fan I'd hate them tooHonestly I don't see my 9ers making it all the way. Garcia is a fine journeyman quarterback, but it takes someone special to pull of the superbowl. Steve Young was a fine replacement but no Montana. As the signs around Candlestick always said.... JOE IS GOD and that was hard to argue with.
LB do you know how many times Joe broke my heart!!!!
We loved Joe. He was a great guy besides a great quarterback. Really humble and almost shy at times. I was so angry when he got dumped on Kanas City that I nearly quit watching the games.
Up until Joe the niners were never much of a team. Around forever yet they had losing seasons more than winning ones. I remember being a diehard when they only won 2 games one season. That was tough especially with the Raiders winning championships across the bay. I hated them.
I actually have admired the Cowboys over the years. I liked Landry and his system a lot. No bull, no emotions, just win the game boys. It seemed like the players would hate the guy but feared him enough to play their hardest for him.
I went to a coaches meeting this morning at the highschool. Seems that we aren't allowed to torment the little booger eaters during practice. Something about children having rights too? That's ok. They all know that a smartass remark earns the entire team an extra lap, instantly. I clarified that with the Athletic Director as far as running being torment, he said "of course not".
heh heh heh
Whoever is in it, at least it will be happenin in my town. Do I even have a chance at getting tickets? No frwaking way!
Yeah baby!
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiders. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiders. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiders.