"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
That's what Jesus instructed, right? In the Sermon on the Mount, right?
So, what, pray tell, has the Governing Body™ and its earthly Remnant™ done with the financial support given them by the Great Crowd™?
1. They have not built hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters or shelters for battered women and children. Instead they have constructed bigger and better facilities for themselves, several times over, in several countries around the world.
2. They have not protected children in their midst from sexual predators in their midst. Instead, they have staunchly refused to give these children any support. The children and their families have been silenced under threat of expulsion while sexual predators are permitted free reign in Congregations™, Circuit Assemblies™, District Conventions™ and in the Door-to-Door™ Ministry™ (aka Field Service™). Any financial gains by victims of sexual abuse are hard won in the courts. Shame on you, Watchtower!
3. They have created a veritable cash cow for themselves by having Congregations™ collect money to pay for the property toward the construction of new Kingdom Halls™ and other Meeting™ venues. The WTS lends an equal amount to that collected for the property. This Debt™, for some reason, is never paid off. Well, it is, but then the WTS Lovingly™ decides to charge a Per Publisher™ amount each month that goes directly into the coffers of the WTS. Every damn month, in perpetuity. For yet another reason, the WTS can direct that the property be sold whenever they deem fit, with the proceeds going directly into WTS coffers. The reason seems to involve the words Loyalty™, Obedience™ and Self-Sacrifice™, not to mention the words "because we can get away with it, you stupid fools."
4. Their legal battles, once the stuff of courtroom legend in the fight for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Worship rights, are now an embarrassing motley of defending indefensible policies that offer a safe haven for pedophiles and helping poorly educated people end their lives or the lives of minor children for lack of blood transfusion. As well, the fundamental rights and freedoms for which they've fought so strenuously in the courts are denied to rank and file members. Want to disagree with something Published™ in the Watchtower™? Prepare to be called into the back room at the Kingdom Hall™ and have the word Apostate™ bandied about in association with your name. Want to tell your fellow Witnesses™ that Elder™ XYZ diddled your 9-year-old daughter, to protect their daughters?? Expect an invitation to the back room at the Kingdom Hall™ with the threat of being Disfellowshipped™ for Slandering™ Elder™ XYZ's reputation in the Congregation™.
Well done, Watchtower™! [/sarcasm]
This is not a complete or in any way a comprehensive list of crimes against humanity perpetrated by the WTS. The fact that they have millions of Sheep™ around the world who are ready and willing to accept this demeaning and dehumanizing treatment allows them to continue to operate. It will only stop when JWs realize they don't have to take it, and they don't have to continue to open their wallets in support of a greedy, money-grubbing, self-serving cabal of evil, deviant men.
Stop feeding the monster, Friends™. Starve it to death.