Mike Musto is a celebrity

by Salud 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    It's 5:15 in the AM here. I am at my keyboard and waiting for Mike. Mike? Mike? Mike?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Matty the WTBTS knows all. Every post we make is placed in a file in Brooklyn with our real names attached. It's just a matter of time....Mike? Mike? Mike?

  • Salud

    Mike, Mike, come out from whereever you are and tell us if you are really Mike Musto from TV...

    Inquiring minds want to know....

  • morrisamb

    A couple of months ago, when I first saw his face I recognized him from the Village Voice and on several tv programs. I immediately asked him in a post if he was THE famous diva's best friend. NO RESPONSE.

    Then I read all his posts about being a ministerial servant which would not really be probable if he is a girl's best friend of the New York party scene!

    I would say he's an imposter except for the fact he's got "bitch fag thing" down pat!

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Mike are you there? We need you to settle this good buddy. We can keep a secret. Dave

  • minimus

    HEY, how does this poster get to impersonate Musto without getting in hot water?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Maybe this post is keeping Mike away or he is at some big weekend celebrity retreat.

  • RandomTask

    ANyone ever "rub elbows" with Mike Musto?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I don't think it is wise to rub anything on Mike. I'm still waiting to hear from him. Perhaps he is at a weekend in the Hamptons?

  • Salud

    I am pretty sure he read this thread because I made reference to it on another thread he started and he has since responded to it, but funny, no mention or reference to his identity.

    So Mike who are you? Are you stealing someone else's identity? Is that really you in the picture you post? You should not have any problem admitting it since everyone then knows who you are. But if your not then that is another story, and everyone who has posted and read this thread would want to know. Many unanswered questions.

    Assuming you are the real Mike Musto and since you live in NYC why don't you join us for the march on Sep. 27th. Also since you are a media insider why don't you bring some of your media buddies with you to cover our march, bring Greta, Sean, and don't forget O'Reilly, I definitely want O'Reilly.


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