Open letter to Bod at the London Branch

by caspian 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • caspian

    An open letter to Bod at the London Branch.

    Dear Bod

    I have personal knowledge that one of your duties, at the London Branch is to monitor this Discussion board as well as Freeminds and Silentlambs

    You are required to log on daily to check all the posts for information that may be damaging to your Branch Office.

    As you read the indefensible truth that the Watch Tower, Bible and Tract Society of Britain (your employer) has constantly lied about the United Nations Issue, The problems regarding child molestation ( whilst I am sure in my heart that this issue upsets you greatly, will you speak up????.) The debacle regarding blood (again I know that you have visited LEE ELDERS excellent site and agree with his arguments)

    The unscriptural practice of disfellowshipping.

    All these matters you read about on a daily basis, how does your conscience make you feel?????.

    I know that you can probably guess who I am, Remember Ashbourne 1993 and I hope that knowledge can prick your conscience. Do the right thing now Contact Me and we can make a difference.

    You know what DD and JW have done, will you stand by such men?????

    Fondest Christian Love


    p.s I am sure that many of my fellow posters will reply to this open letter with even more reasons for you to contact me.

  • NameWithheld

    Back to the top - it's about time that individual's begin to use their 'bible trained' consciences to stand up for what they know in their hearts is right and good. Regardless on how other men would try and force them to believe. By not standing up 'for the least of the brothers (and sisters)' they are spitting in the face of Jesus words and teachings. Will all those who are aware of the true nature and deeds of many of the people in power in the JW organization continue to sweep such wrong-doings under the carpet?

  • dmouse

    I think everyone is holding their breath...

    Are there any men with consciences left at Bethel?

  • Pathofthorns

    You would hope there are more men of honor and integrity that are willing to stand up for what is right. And then there are those who use "wait on Jehovah" to excuse their own inactivity and as an excuse to just let people suffer. The easy course is to just go along with the organization that is paying your way. I mean who wants to lose all their friends and be out on the streets?

    I don't know how some people can sleep at night. What goes around comes around though.


  • outoftheorg

    Intelligent letter Caspian!

    Wouldn't it be a fine thing in Gods eyes and in the eyes of all JW's if this letter had some affect on the hearts-minds-& conscience of the wbts leaders?

    However it has been my experience that it will be scorned-discounted & ignored. Looked upon as only some drivel from apostates.

    I wish I could grasp intellectualy what it is that hardens the minds of these men to the facts of the lives lost due to wbts policies and the families broken up and destroyed and to the damage all this is to people and the grief and sorrow caused by the displayed hatred for those who disagree with wbts policies.

    It can not be explained by simple statements of their lack of this or that. What is happening in the minds of these otherwise kind and caring people? Where does this willingness to cling to old outdated clearly damaging not biblical or Christ like, wrong policies come from?

    Could it be that owning up to ones own involvment in promoting these clearly damaging policies is so difficult to admit to, that they are unable to see what they are doing? Afraid of who they will see if they take a good look at themselves?

    I don't know. I don't understand.



    Ahh the plot thickens.

    If Caspian, you are right about Ashbourne.

    That could mean that up to 5 senior bethel elders are involved.

    Bod if you are reading this please please please examine your conscience carefully

    These are serious corruption claims, search your heart!!!


  • Aikon


    You are totaly right about DUB who monitor the WEB page,sorry i can not at this stage so how and who. But for many of you who do not know the DUB tried to shut down Witness Aid and lost out, at the end " The truth will set you free". But do beware of the legal dept at the Ridgeway!!!!!!! They ARE out there!!!!!!!!!!

  • spider


  • Farkel

    : Are there any men with consciences left at Bethel?

    Probably, but the fact that they are still there shows them to be liars, hypocrites and more concerned with their own security within Bethel than they are about those who are dying and having their lives ruined daily because of Watchtower Bullshit(tm).

    If all the men with so-called "consciences" actually left Bethel and told the world about the cesspool the Watchtower religion truly is, the fallout from the WTS would be huge.

    I have a difficult time accepting people who knowingly live and tell lies.


  • amac
    Probably, but the fact that they are still there shows them to be liars, hypocrites and more concerned with their own security within Bethel than they are about those who are dying and having their lives ruined daily because of Watchtower Bullshit(tm).

    Short speeches like that should do the trick to endear them to come clean.

    Remember that the main JW ideologies requires rationalization. So many that are still JWs are able to rationalize things and not feel as those they are wrong or lying. I certainly don't feel that they are all liars and hypocrites.

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