An open letter to Bod at the London Branch.
Dear Bod
I have personal knowledge that one of your duties, at the London Branch is to monitor this Discussion board as well as Freeminds and Silentlambs
You are required to log on daily to check all the posts for information that may be damaging to your Branch Office.
As you read the indefensible truth that the Watch Tower, Bible and Tract Society of Britain (your employer) has constantly lied about the United Nations Issue, The problems regarding child molestation ( whilst I am sure in my heart that this issue upsets you greatly, will you speak up????.) The debacle regarding blood (again I know that you have visited LEE ELDERS excellent site and agree with his arguments)
The unscriptural practice of disfellowshipping.
All these matters you read about on a daily basis, how does your conscience make you feel?????.
I know that you can probably guess who I am, Remember Ashbourne 1993 and I hope that knowledge can prick your conscience. Do the right thing now Contact Me and we can make a difference.
You know what DD and JW have done, will you stand by such men?????
Fondest Christian Love
p.s I am sure that many of my fellow posters will reply to this open letter with even more reasons for you to contact me.