"Conspiracy Theories" is an interesting topic. I have a morbid fascination with insanity and so, of course, I have examined the concept of conspiracy theory for many years. And of course, I have been motivated by my curiosity by realizing at an early age that I had been deceived in a fairly large way by a nebulous organization of men in New York.
Strong Haiku brought up a good point:
A good article on the subject on how we are wired for "patternicity" and "agency" and how those things lead to strange beliefs (e.g. conspiracy theories)...
Human beings are animals constrained by their biology, their environment, and their genetics. We cannot help but be pattern recognizing creatures - it is hard wired into us. It is how we interact with our environment - always looking for, and recognizing patterns, and then trying to make what we perceive fit into a larger picture, adjusting our awareness as we add data into our brains.
I think that there is as much "strange belief" in the total rejection of what we don't know as there is in total acceptance of everything we take in as data. On one side you have those who readily adopt whatever belief is the flavor of the month, and those who reject out of hand anything that doesn't fit their limited view of the world. I think I fall someplace in the middle of that spectrum - I am a conspiracy theorist agnostic, if you will.
The reason I say this is that I have found that what popular culture is so quick to dump into the "conspiracy" bucket, is often just a lack of information about how the world operates.
Here is an example (or two...):
Several years ago, my son had moved out to a farm that had an unlimited view of the sky. He was all agitated one day because he had saw "chemtrails" above his house - a large pattern of jet trails. He had been listening to Alex Bell and got all excited. I had never heard the term before, and had to ask him to explain. Well, he burbled out something about controlling weather, and chemicals. I was puzzled - to me, that was no conspiracy theory. It is no secret that the military has been using our skies to do chemical warfare testing ever since the end of the Second World War. And it was no secret back in the early 60s where I grew up that some of the military planes that flew overhead were "cloud seeding". It was common practice - we just didn't call it "chemtrails".
About UFOs. I have seen many. UFO sightings are common in the area I grew up. I found it humorous one day recently when I went to an "official" page that listed where the most UFOs are spotted globally. It was hilarious that my province in Canada had no sightings listed - it is so common that nobody bothers to report the sightings - many in Northern Canada, realize that those skies are ideal for military maneuvers. Pretty much all of my friends up north, myself included, have seen strange, unexplained, celestial objects - some very interesting accounts from many sources. It makes for good drinking stories around the campfire. UFOs? Of course - there is lots that happens "up there" that we don't know about. Conspiracy theory or just things we don't know yet?
I always try to look to the sources for what I encounter theoretically - how credible is the author? Who published the material? And, if it is a historical account - whose voice is saying it? What is their "political" positioning? And, this is the most critical question of - what is being left out? History is malleable. Historical accounts always come from a biased position. It is in the gaps, the untold stories, that sometimes the most significant things have disappeared, later to be resurrected and placed into the historical account..
Anyways, i am an agnostic - i have had far too many things that I thought were far-fetched at one time, been proven to be right later. I try to exercise open mindedness flavored with as much rationality as I can muster. I always look for the material answer for the unexplained. Those far out crazy conspiracy theories come from something, even if it is just from the fact that we are human beings who cannot help but behave the way we are - as creatures with constraints upon them. Our patterns of behavior are unavoidable. We are products of our cultures.