Some years back, on H20, I would sometimes make posts that were generally ignored by the one person that I really wanted a response from:
Uncle Bruce!
Then one day I received an email from the Digger dahn Under. He said that he always enjoyed what I wrote, but rarely commented because he didn't feel that he had anything extra to add to what I had already written. He said that he couldn't just type in "Hear hear", or "Me too!", every time I made a post, and unless I cared to become more controversial I would't hear much more than that.
OK, so far so good. Now Dave has mentioned here, that I don't respond to his posts, not ever. And the reason is similar to that given by Uncle Brucie. I agree with most of what Dave says and don't feel that I have much to add. And he's always got these beautiful women a-fluttering round him too, and I ain't gonna try to compete with that!
There's lots of people that I don't respond to for this same reason. Some people that I don't get invoved much with, also happen to be people whom I care about very much. People like Amazing, Ozzie and HS get little response from me generally because I am normally in pretty near-complete agreement with the most of the time. Yet they are amongst my favourite people!
Besides, some people just HATE it when I respond to their threads..........!
Englishman. Calmed down now class.