LadyLee, thanks. I'll post the link to this thread at Silent Lambs guestbook and mention that we have a volunteer (Thanks Larry!) for getting the lambs to the March.
by Lady Lee 18 Replies latest jw friends
LadyLee, thanks. I'll post the link to this thread at Silent Lambs guestbook and mention that we have a volunteer (Thanks Larry!) for getting the lambs to the March.
Thank you Grits
Hello Everyone,
I will be attending the march in Brooklyn, and have plenty of room in my truck for as many lambs as needs a ride. I will be there nice and early that Moring, as we're meeting on the pier to make posters and such. If any little lamb needs a ride, they can contact me at:
Hello Everyone,
I will be attending the march in Brooklyn, and have plenty of room in my truck for as many lambs as needs a ride. I will be there nice and early that Moring, as we're meeting on the pier to make posters and such. If any little lamb needs a ride, they can contact me at:
Rev Malk Hopefully if any one needs some assistance they will contact you
What about this idea? Someone drive a car behide the march stuffed the the top with lambs. When the march arrives at its destination, everyone can begin taking the lambs out of the car and place them on the destinations door step.
Just a though.
Could also place a tag on each lamb letting the WT know that it represents an individual.
I forgot to let you know the lambs were mailed on Friday so should be there this week - sent them by airmail
I'm sorry, I just reread this thread and noticed your question to me. I am flying to the March and while I could take more lambs with me in my suitcase, I'd have trouble carrying too many more as I'm using public transport to get to the march site itself.
Lady Lee was putting waterproof tags on her lambs, which I thought was a very good idea. It will be good for the 'brothers' to see actual names of all the victims whom they deny exist. First names would be enough for those who want to remain anonymous.
Perhaps also naming the victims' molester on the tags would be a good wake-up call to the Governing Body. It would make the GB realize that the pedophiles they are harboring/have harbored are KNOWN, and it would make any watching JWs understand that both the victims and the perpertrators are REAL and to be found among them still.
I have checked dollar stores, toy stores, gift stores, discount and the baby department of stores like Walmart, etc. The ones that I am sending to NY are from a dollar store and cost $2 so I don't feel too bad about them going in the garbage cuz you know the WTS wouldn't donate them to kids anywhere. I got one that I am keeping from a toy store and I have 4 more from a discount store. Lambs are so much easier to find at Easter time it seems. And yes I have found blue lambs in the baby stores The lambs that out is taking for me all have waterproof tags with the names and ages of the person at the time they were abused as well as the year (I think). This isn't a recent problem and I think the years are important to show just how long this has been going on for (38 for me but I have seen one case that was older) And the waterproofing was to make sure that if it rained they would not be washed away as the WTS would love Outnfree the poem has been waterproofed too so you won't have to worry about the rain (or tears)