Does anyone know whatever happened to them? I know they were moving house and was hoping to get to Emans BBQ but I haven't seen them post since???
Individual & wife
by ballistic 12 Replies latest jw friends
btt rsvp fyeo
termite 35
Hi Ballistic- howdy doody;
I'm sure she won't mind me saying she is fine; has moved in and is settling in to area and jobs etc.
We said we'll try and meet up in a pub as we're very close ;geographically not physically-
(though; also being a marmite lover, if I were that way inclined, i'd obviously have to consider her as a possible option ...!!! )
Shame we never got to meet them at the BBQ
OK thanks! Not sure where marmite comes into it??? or am I a bit slow today?
termite 35
It's her 'picture thing' Ballistic;
termite 35
But now Simon's changed the way you post pics- and i've obviously forgotten how to do it.
I wish I was interested enough in technology to find out but ...nope-can't muster up the enthusiasm today!
You just be careful on that pogo stick.
I understand about the marmite now!!! How long for the penny to drop?
termite 35
Ballistic-there are many things I don't 'get'-I just don't admit to them!
Eman-If my boobs were really that size I would'nt dare bounce as concussion would follow soon after!