In this matter, we are trying to predict the twisted reasonings of equally twisted
people. That makes it tough.
The paradox they put themselves in was well illustrated by an elder in my congregation
who approached new people in the hall very cautiously because "they could be disfellowshipped"
Now, there's 'love of strangers' for you! What warmth!
It will be painful to watch this ugly process intensify. However, it will be for the best,
ultimately. KEEP IN MIND that the Watchtower Society has no real guidance from God
SO, they can only make progress by running a policy into extremes - and then back off
as NEW LIGHT is 'discovered' that they've made a mess of things.
They haven't even RISEN to the level of WISDOM that 'worldly' corporations know:
Don't piss off lots of the public and make lots of people angry because negative 'word of mouth'
can ruin your business. Ford Motor Co. discovered that one angry owner of a 'lemon'
tells 17 (average) other people.
They are 'resisting the Holy Spirit' on this subject - trying to preach to the world
while pulling in the drawbridge and desparately attempting to isolate Witnesses.