The Bible (and thus the WT) does not condemn homosexuality where there is no homosexual activity. It condemns fornication, regardless of whether the one practicing it is homosexual or heterosexual.
JW are against all homosexual conduct, including romantic conduct involving kissing or holding hands. Person would have to break off the relationship before being accepted into the congregation. If same sex persons started to kiss or get romantic during religious service, I am pretty sure they would be told to stop.
Many JWs are celibate homosexuals, or they marry persons of the opposite sex.
Some, not many.
I know of situations where persons of the same sex live together and act just like married couples (for instance, sitting together at every meeting and holding hands during every prayer), and nothing is ever said.
The meetings are open to the public, but romantic relationships between same sex, kissing, holding hands, is against jw.
Not only does the Supreme Court Decision authorize gay marriage, but it also legalizes "gay" sex under marriage. Prior to marriage, gay romantic conduct is also legal. Gay romantic and sexual conduct is the law of the land. Gay marriages can now legally adopt without discrimination and can teach their children gay conduct.
It would be very challenging for jw to conduct a Bible study with married gay persons having children. To qualify as a JW, It would result in divorce, child custody, child support, and the children would not be happy that their home was broken up. In the USA, homosexuality is the law of the land.
The law does NOT say that Churches, religions, or clergy has to perform, accept or condone same sex marriage. Only States. You know chruch is still separate from state, right?
But a lot of religious fanatics are angry about it and also a lot of religions that are not politically neutral. And it is just a matter of time until the law butts heads with them on something derived from the ruling.