SHOULD CHRISTIAN wear thong undies??

by QUEENIE 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ugg

    i read the thread that ozziepost had written....i am so god,,,30 years in the borg and

    for the first time,,,i am having my eyes about sick!!!!! i am from a rural,,,very small

    congregation,,,"isolated" if you will....i feel deeply for thongs....each to their own...

  • Elsewhere

    Oh great! First I go through life with a picture in my head of Jesus in a loin cloth... not I have to spend the rest of my life with a picture of him in a thong!

  • Mary

    Only if you're an elder........with matching bras.

  • haujobbz

    Why the hell do they call them thongs?

  • Mum

    Not if they have pagan or patriotic symbols on them! (If there's room for anything like that)

  • imanaliento

    the bible doesn't mention that one, maybe it will be in the updated translation. Really now, would the elders be checking ya at the door. Those naughty boys. It would have to be a matter of conscience, there are some outfits you just need to have them for.

  • Valis

    For hauj..

    Main Entry: thong
    Pronunciation: 'tho[ng]
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English thwong; akin to Old Norse thvengr thong
    Date: before 12th century
    1 : a strip especially of leather or hide
    2 : a sandal held on the foot by a thong fitting between the toes and connected to a strap across the top or around the sides of the foot
    3 : a garment consisting of a narrow strip of fabric fitting between the legs and a waistband that is worn as underwear or the bottom piece of a bikini
    - thonged / 'tho[ng]d / adjective


    District Overbeer of the 'thonngs warm my heart" class

  • Beck_Melbourne

    QUEENIE - I think you and Mamie cat should wear whatever you are comfortable wearing...don't be worrying about what the elders might think about your under garments.

    Style of dress will always be picked at by the WT...back in my youth I remember an elder saying that all girls who wore tight fitting jeans were immoral. Times have changed and most are forced to go with the fashion despite the WT articles of the 50's...however the opinionated elders are still around, but instead of wearing pooh brown suits they are wearing navy blue.


  • minimus

    Christians should only wear thong undies if they can.

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