after the recent awake dealing with gambling(still with NO biblical reason not to) I still feel that gambling in moderation is fine. I know in the "flock" book gambling is not the sin, greed is. it also says that we should try not to see gambling for entertainment as good, however it does not come out and say "dont gamble or you will be in trouble". the recent mag dealt with addictive gambling and trying to show you how bad it COULD GET if you went crazy ; which we all know is not good for anyone or their family, similar to TOO much alcohol, too much materialism, too much eating, etc. so i ask...... any elders, or others have any experience with dealing with brothers about gambling? such as going to vegas and blowing a few hundred... The way i have seen it and have heard, even some elder's sons have thrown down a few bucks on a cruise or on a business trip .... any info would help