Some excerpts from the October 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry insert regarding the new schedule for the TMS:
Introductory remarks
5min Study Point Several paragraphs of one of the 53 studies in the new Benefit from TMS Education (to be handled by the School overseer, his helper or perhaps another qualified elder)
10min No. 1 - Instruction Talk As usual from w, si or one of the introductory chapters of the new be (qualified e or ms)
10min Bible Highlights 6min as usual, then 2 audience questions: 1) how has the material benefited you personally 2) how can you use material to help others (qualified e or ms)
4min No. 2 Reading assignment - no commentary; once a month from the Watchtower, otherwise from the bible (brother)
5min No. 3 A discussion from the Reasoning book or a discussion of a certain theme (no references given), the latter is to be assigned to advanced students only (two sisters)
5min No. 4 as No. 3, but can be assigned to a brother, who delivers a talk
Counsel by the TMSO has been limited to one minute per talk and has to be positive
the Written Review will be replaced by a Oral Review of 30 min (after Study point and Bible Highlights) every two months (as we were used, as with some other aspects of this "new" schedule)