I was just wondering if the elders can really physically remove someone from a Kingdom Hall. If I showed up in blue jeans with video recorder, would they, could they kick me out? If I refused to leave, would they physically try and force me out? Isn't that considered "battery," thus making them candidates for being arrested? What would they kick a person out for? I've just heard these stories, but is there any truth to the matter?
Can they really kick you out of a KH?
by writerpen 10 Replies latest jw friends
No, they would firstly request you to leave.
If you refused, they are instructed to call the police who would be requested to have you removed.
Remember the Kingdom Hall is private property and the owners of that property can enforce the law of trespass.
Cheers, Ozzie
Edited by - ozziepost on 27 August 2002 10:44:24
I know that they will attempt to escort you out without resorting to a choke hold. I would assume that if a person wanted to push back they'd just call the cops.
Edited by - LB on 27 August 2002 10:45:4
No assumption is necessary, LB, the elders are instructed by the Borgmeisters to do that.
Cheers, Ozzie
However ...
They are also a registered charity and one of the things our local hall claims to do is to provide public meetings, support and counselling services at the KH.
I think the police would be reluctant to throw someone out who was acting reasonably (but I guess it depends on the circumstances and the people involved).
Even a registered charity has private property. The giving of services to the public would not give any member of the public the RIGHT to be on the premises.
The elders would simply explain to the police that the person's presence on the property was unwelcome.
It's interesting to compare the Borg's attitude in this matter to what I have seen at first hand in other Christian organisations where there is a demonstration of welcoming ALL without judging.
Cheers, Ozzie
in Brooklyn, where I live, they would get MadEvil on your ass.
than call the cops
I was always under the impression that the KHs were considered public spots, but I guess not. And, I remember reading somewhere that the elders in Bill's KH had contacted the police prior to the meeting where his disfellowhipping was to be announced stating that they may have a problem. So much for caring for the flock. In my church, we have a lot of people that are homeless. On occasions, the police have come in during the service looking for people that may be "wanted." When that happens, the priest (a woman) kindly escorts the police out. According to her, the law allows her to do this because of the "separation of church and state." Amazingly, they leave. Of course, she always talks to the individual that the police were looking for afterwards, but that is an example of caring for the flock. I wonder what the elders would do if the police came looking for someone during a meeting.
I wonder what type of things the elders would have you kicked out for. If they know you are an apostate, would they automatically have you kicked out?
would they automatically have you kicked out?
Not automatically!
You would be "watched" by elders/attendants.
At District Conventions, known apostates are trailed by assigned attendants and seated nearby to them.
Cheers, Ozzie
Ozzie: Those "Apostate" T-Shirts help them to identify known Apostates really easily, too