I wanted to keep this thread going for a while longer. The responses so far have talked about cliques, gossipers, rich and poor, but no one has mentioned something that used to be very common in The Empire and may still be so.
My first cong was one of two in a very small town that by all rights should have only had one congregation. The "other" congregation was the "black" congregation. Now it wasn't known officially as the "black congregation". There were some white folks who attended there. But even though I was only about 4 or 5 at the time I do remember overhearing the term: "the black congregation". Now honestly, that little KH was in one of the black sections of town while my cong met at a hall in a mostly white area. If you look at it on a map, it makes some sense. Except for the fact that our next-door neighbors were the "token whites" at the "black congregation".
I can't really say what the racial percentages were in the last Hall I attended. (No longer using city names or peoples' names. Jedi and above email me for more info). But there did seem to be a feeling of "blacks associate with blacks and whites with whites". When [name classified], a black kid, and I became best friends there was indeed some controversy. And not on the part of any white folks. It was a couple of the blacks who didn't like it because I'm white. His family would come over to our house, and were so uncomfortable about it at first, and I went over to their house constantly to the point I didn't even knock on the door. (I'm just that way, like Kramer on Seinfeld) But I can never remember a time when my family ever was invited to the home of a black family in the cong.
Col. J.R. "Bendrr" Brown, [classified]
Edited by - bendrr on 28 August 2002 19:18:57