We were on our way into Wollongong last night to see our youngest son in the Annual Schools Choral Thingo and went to sit down near a pile of abandoned newspapers (the best way to get a free paper ) Amongst it all was a Watchtower. When I checked it out, it was a March, 1989 'Tower, in mint condition. I was wondering what the Dub who must have left it was thinking - after all, the KM I've got up on my site says, in the article Show Appreciation for Theocratic Resources: "Avoid leaving it (the literature) in public areas where it will simply get strewn about. To avoid waste, take inventory of what you have on hand at home before obtaining more literature." It seems our Dub was not aware of the KM directives. They'd left literature lying around on a train where any old apostate could "strew" it about. However, they were obviously in line with the command to take stock and use up any stockpile of old literature.
When we were about to get off the train, we found another Watchtower, dated February, 1989. This one had the publisher's name on the top. Obviously she was following this advice: "Do you make it a point to write your name and address in your personal copies of the publications?" Our Dub obviously did. Not only was her name on it, but it is all neatly underlined.
So is this Dub a good Dub, or is she "running ahead of Jeehoever (tm)"? Comments?
Also, since I have this lady's name, she may be in the phone book - any thoughts on an ensuing conversation?
Ozziepost: NB! It is not my intention to ring up this lady and harrass her - this is a hypothetical!
Edited by - Stephanus on 27 August 2002 17:38:36
Edited by - Stephanus on 27 August 2002 18:51:33