
by freedom96 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I haven't told this to many people because they tend to look at me as if I'm crazy when I do.

    Back in 1986, My ex husband and I had gone to bed one night. We always locked the doors at night, and I always check them right before I go to bed. I still do this, even where I live, and I live out in the sticks.

    Anyway, Galindos (husband) father was/is a Satanist, and I being the curious soul that I am, started picking my hubby for details. Such as what was involved in his worship. Well, I guess I asked to many questions because my husband proceded to tell me that I shouldn't talk about the Devil so much because it would bring him around. Right after he said that, someone, or thing knocked on our bedroom door. Remember, I had checked the doors before going to bed, so no one could have come in the house. Both of us were to frightened to open the door to check it out.

    What do you think it was?

  • Satanus

    A few times on this board, i have posed the question to christians, if they have seen jesus, really seen him. The closest to a positive response was 'through the eyes of faith'. What if it turned out that jesus' ghost really wasn't around anymore, that it had gone away, leaving behind its adherents?

    On the other hand, a few people on this board have seen ghosts of dead people, people who really existed at one time. Yet, people are not constructing religions based on these ghosts. It seems ironic to me.


  • WildHorses

    SS, do dreams count? I once had a dream and Jesus came to me. In my dream the world was ending and I was afraid I was going to die. Jesus came to me and held out his hands to me and said.......Hold a dove and ask for what you want. Right then I woke up.

    This was before my jw days.

  • Mary

    Lilacs said: "...Right after he said that, someone, or thing knocked on our bedroom door. Remember, I had checked the doors before going to bed, so no one could have come in the house. Both of us were to frightened to open the door to check it out. What do you think it was?..."

    Probably Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Just kidding.........I don't know what to believe on alot of stuff that the JWs teach, but I most definitely believe in Satan and his demons, and not just because of what we were taught at the Hall, but even from what I've heard worldly people say. Curiosity is in our nature, but there are things that we simply should not get involved with and Satanic cults is one of them.

    As for what was outside your door, well it could easily have been a demon, but I doubt that it got there just by your asking questions. Maybe your father-in-law brought something over to your house that you didn't know about - something that could have been part of his worship?? Who knows.........

  • freedom96

    Nice to see so many responses. Thanks. To answer some questions, yes I was afraid, but never quite knew why. I could not allow myself to believe that it was actually a ghost, so I did whatever I could to not think about it. We all were active witnesses at the time. All taught that this does not exist. Hence all of our family did not discuss it, until much later. The ghost was not scary looking, nor did it look like anyone we knew. The house was very old, and I am guessing the man was the original man who built and lived there for his whole life. Just a guess, as I did not talk with him. The most scary thing I remember growing up, is locking the doors to the bathroom, (there was only one in the house), and then rechecking them, over and over. Felt scared to death in there. I would take a bath, and it would go by, through the door, across the small bathroom, and through the other door. Both closed and locked. I would get shivers up my spine, much like I am now writing this down. Funny thing is....... even the dog was scared of it! I have no idea why it was there, and how that plays into God's plans for us. But I am satisfied to know in my heart that perhaps we are not supposed to have all the answers. Understanding will come in due time.

  • Satanus


    I don't know if that would be in the same class as someone seeing a ghost. Do you think your dream had symbols in it, for instance, the end of the world? I don't know much about dream enterpretation. The meaning it had for you is the most important.


  • heathen

    lilacs -I would seriously consider that the hubby had played a practical joke on you and is laughing insanely to this day over SS- there are religions based on ancestor worship

  • Satanus


    Good point. Ghosts would explain the origins of ancestor worship, but westerners didn't and still don't get into that except for jesus and a few others.


  • teejay


    I used to have all the answers. Ask a question, I had an answer. Now I'm not so sure about an awful lot of things, which is cool with me. I don't have to know everything. I'm comfortable saying, "I don't know." But...

    Personally, I don't believe in ghosts. Well, let's just say that I believe in ghosts as much as I believe in god, considering that I've had about the same amount of tangible contact with either of them my whole life. Which brings me to my point:

    In the whole time you guys lived in the house, ever get a recording? A photo? A video?

    p.s. threads like this always reminds me of a black comic's routine--I forget whose... Richard Pryor? Chris Rock? Chris Tucker?

    He talks about the differences between blacks and whites when it comes to stuff like this. White folks want to investigate and/or coexist with ghosts -- find some level of comfort. Blacks ain't goin' there. They want to get the f*** out, and right now... this second... immead-jitly. They don't care who, what, or why. They just wanna go.

    I'm curious. You're white, aren't you? Me? I ain't livin' in no house with no ghost. Not if I can help it. Sorry.

  • freedom96


    LOL yes I am white. At the time, we didn't talk about it, but perhaps 10 years later, members of my family were interviewed apart from each other, and we all described the same thing. I remember being asked about "Do you remember anything weird about that house?" and my answer was: Other than the shadow.....just creepy. It was at that time that I realized how nonchalant I was about talking about it. But we all described it the same, and I do respect your opinion, but I do know what I saw. What was it exactly? Don't know. But it was real, it was there.

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