by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I tried it several times when I was in therapy and I had great success with it. Personally, I afraid that they would hypnotise me into clucking like a chicken or make me forget the number 7 or some such silly thing. But actually I was aware of everything the therapist was saying, I was aware of my surroundings and I remember everything that happened very clearly. I've heard it doesn't work for some people, but as I said, it worked wonders for me.

    To Englishman: HEY! I get it!! Stairs right? Simple things amuse simple minds . . . .

  • BadJerry

    Been doing some serious studying to get certified in midwest U.S., and practising self-hypnosis. Has had real positive effects on my concentration abilities at work and has helped me stay away from certain foods. As posted earlier, if you decide to do this, look for a certified hypnotherapist and ask for references. There's much more to it than just "watching the watch". Once I get certified, and hang out my shingle, you can come for a complementary session - and I prefer having people purrrrrrr like a kitten!

    As usual, BadJerry

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mary, I've put on 50pds over the past several years. I've never really had a weight problem, but I do now. My husband bought me a nordic track for valentines of this year and I've used it twice!!! Pitiful I know!

    I know why I gained it, but I haven't been willing to do what it takes to lose it! Just this week, I talked with my neighbors and we are going to start working out together. I hope this turns out to be a good thing and we stick with it! I think I would do so much better if I had someone to do it with *co-dependent*.

    Maybe we can support each other here with our weight issues! Or you can email me, if ya like! =:o)

  • MegaDude

    There are two certified hypnotists on this board: Victor E. and Freepeace.

    I have worked with Victor and can recommend him.

    There is nothing mysterious about hypnosis. People go into trance or hypnosis every day, like when you daydream and you suddenly snap out of it. It's relaxed focus. Nothing demonic about it. That is simply a myth like the many other myths the Society told us.

  • think41self

    Hi Mary,

    I've personally tried hypnosis and found it to very relaxing and effective. You are aware of everything that is going on, and a good hypnotist will take your concerns into consideration, and yes you can have someone sit in with you if that makes you more comfortable. My husband is a certified hypnotist, and he has had great success helping people lose weight, stop smoking, overcome fears...that sort of thing. They don't try to "cure" people with serious health or mental problems, but using the power of your own subconscious to improve yourself is a win win situation. I recommend it!


  • FreePeace

    When I first tried hypnotherapy 4 years ago, I was still a JW and an Elder. I was at the end of my rope with an alcoholic wife, and my ability to sell was non-existent. So I went to a hypnotherapist as a last resort. Since I was already familiar with self-hypnosis tapes and knew them to be harmless, I didn't have too much of a problem. But I still felt very weird about it due to my JW upbringing.

    Now that I am a hypnotherapist with a private practice, I can tell you that the WTS's position on hypnosis is 100% pure bull-smelly-stuff. Hypnosis is absolutely NOTHING like I was taught.

    So far, I haven't been taken over by demons, nor have any of my clients.

    As has been mentioned above, hypnosis is nothing more than a state of deep relaxation. THAT IS IT! I can't believe all the crap I was taught as a Witness. It just blows me away.

    If you're interested in learning more about hypnosis, check out my website at


  • Satanus

    I just interviewed a hypnotherapist on monday. I may be going for some sessions soon. I'm looking forward to it.


  • gumby


    "I would do so much better if I had someone to do it with *co-dependent*."

    Yes you will do better ...if you and a friend make a routine plan.....or you join a gym.

    By far.....most people do not work out on their own. Just look at the next yard sale you see and notice the exercise equipment available. If you join a will go because you don't want to waste the money (at least it works for most)

    Commiting to a friend works because each of you is expecting the other to be ready to go and you don't want to say no. If you need to do it fast, or you won't see much success.

    See ya...... when your skinny as a bean pole!!!!!

  • Mary

    Thanks everyone for their comments..........I am seriously considering giving the hypnotherapy a try....

    FreePeace: I've checked out your board and it sounds very interesting......unfortunately, I'm nowhere near Florida, I'm in Canada, but if you want to send me a plane ticket around mid-March when I'm freezing my ass off up here, I'd be glad to visit your clinic!!! hahaha..........

    I work out at the gym 4 - 5 times per week, try to drink 8 glasses of water a day and try to watch what I eat (but my eyes aren't quick enough.....heh-heh) and I haven't lost one freakin pound in the last 6 weeks!! Part of it is because I'm an emotional eater - I eat when I'm stressed, bored, tired whatever, and that's very difficult to overcome.

    I'm considering also trying the Klein-Becker product called Dermalin-aPG that I saw advertised. It's very expensive but I'm willing to give it a whirl.

    Tinkerbell and LB, thanks for your comments about weight loss; I'll email you direct. :-)

  • freedom96


    Just remember that just about everything that the Society says, don't believe it. If you havn't already, check back into some of the stuff they were saying when the religion was just starting. And then look at their history, and their unbelieveable reasons not to do anything. The bottom line, is that anything that they do not understand, they will bash. As hard as it is, drop everything you have learned, and go out and experience life. You will love it. I have had many friends undergo hypnotheropy with outstanding results. Their recommendation, go with the flow. A hypnotist cannot make you do anything that you wouldn't do normally. For example, during a session, he could not make you go kill someone, unless that was in your demeaner and charactor to begin with. If you have a goal, and you are willing to achieve that, in any means, then it should work. I have struggled with wieght challenges, and ultimately it comes down to have the will to say no to excess food, not eating when I am not hungry, and a good exercise program. But, whatever works for anyone else, I am not going to say it is a bad idea. Best wishes to you!

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