Of course I know that many of you here do not believe in the Bible and its promise of a resurrection. Some of you do not even believe in a Creator. But those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once. That means that someone will have to be first and someone will have to be last. Guess who those will be that will be at the rear of the line.
Remember, the resurrection could be in progress for centuries before it is completed. That means, of course, that those resurrected early will have an advance start of several hundred years over those coming back to life near the end of the resurrection period. Thus, to make the mistake of being one of those who will not be resurrected until near the end of that period -- all because of wanting to get the utmost out of this life now (perhaps a short-lived 70 years at that) and suffering spiritually because of it -- will have forfeited several hundred years of life, all said and done.
Now, is that a happy thought?