hi I've tried several times to post my not so now I'm going shorten it to I beleave that people go to the hall w/good intentions & strong beliefs which I have no problem with that in itself but I cant measured what 1 indivudual should or should not be doing. I don't think that these same people would show up to evrery 5 meeting every week if they thought it was all a crock. Anyway, we must be careful beause what's good for the gander is not neccessarily good for the ganer. & every one in is not neccessarylly in & everyone out is not neccessaryly our not are they we are not to jdge.
by Curyus 11 Replies latest jw friends
There's a lot of us that go to most of the meetings and feel it's a crock. BTW, what are you trying to convey?
Alrighty then!!! Um, yep, I understand, completely....Uhn?
This goes to show that drinking and posting don't mix.
Fred? Is that you puddy love?
Not judging. Yep. I'm with you on that one Curyus. Welcome!
Big Tex
All numbers starting with 4 have changed to 5.
What are you talking about? I'm just curyus.......dj
"Good intentions and strong beliefs", isn't that what the road to destruction is paved with? Those count for little if you are using them to hurt others openly. The shunning practice and the blood issue are killing people, does that not count for anything?
Curyus...welcome...and remember, if you read it on the Internet, it must be true!