I was raised with a bookbag in my hand. Every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.I vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered. I never enjoyed it but did it because I was supposed to do it. I was always amazed when I heard people gushing over how much they loved service. Were you one of those that truly enjoyed the "ministry" or am I in the minority, here?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
I never liked it.It was very embarassing when one of my school mates opened the door.I would have rather been ANYWHERE else.I just wanted to be like other kids and sleep in late and watch cartoons.I just knew "Jehovah" would make sure I would die at armaggedon..I had graphic nightmares about it.What a mind trip!
Hated it!
I kind of enjoyed it when I was pioneering. We had several pioneers in our cong. at the time, and we all got to be good friends, so we made a good time of it. But generally, most of the time I was in the borg, I hated going out in service.
Same here. Did it because I felt I had to do it, otherwise I would be unfaithful. Always liked the rural service, you could sit in the car until it was your turn and still count time, that was the important thing, turn in that service time. I guess I was born an apostate rather than a JW.
Ken P.
I enjoyed my Bible studies and enjoyed making return visits but I hated regular door to door work where you were just offering the books or mags. I never offered the "offer of the month". I always offered a truth book and on the first return visit would study the first chapter with them and then offer to study more. My goal was always to start a bible study. When I was pioneering I had between 3 and 6 studies going all the time. Most were short lived. I had 3 studies get baptized. I had one study who was in the military and quit the military because of our study. He never became a witness or started attending meetings but he never rejoined the military.
Teaching was fun, placing mags was not fun to me.
Hated it!!!
I hated it from the get go. Anybody that says that it is not REQUIRED of a JW knows they are bald faced lying. But we ALL said oh no...its a "voluntary work that we do because we love people and want ALL to be in the Paradise" total rubbish...we did not. You can tell by watching the JWs walk down the street how much they love this..they couldnt walk slower if they were walking BACKWARDS. Absolutely zero urgency about it, praying most of the time that nobody will be home. Hating the fact that they are bothering people. Its a very very degrading thing to do and I never felt REFRESHED after doing it. I always felt small and frustrated and wondered what the hell we were trying to prove anyway. The older sisters whose lives revolved around the meetings and the friends and the field service loved it of course.
There was an "annointed" full time pioneer in our congregation who NEVER and I do mean NEVER went door to door. She NEVER went to the field service arrangement and was clocking huge numbers every month. She was mostly hated by the other pioneers because supposedly she had enormous numbers of studies and didnt "need" to go out in service in spite of the fact that the brothers insisted that all had to share in a BALANCED field service which HAD to include DTD. She was referred to through hissing teeth as the "Ninja Pioneer". Gawd...
Mini - Are you writing a book on JW's? I noticed your questions are purposeful. In any event, I enjoy them - keep it coming.
Admittedly, I loved going out in service but, with the right people. There was this one guy in a wheel chair that made service very enjoyable. We had much in common - sports, movies, reaching out, love for Jah :-( etc. We had so much fun together, that I didn't feel right turning in time. I also liked going out with the older brothers, to learn all that I could about the Organization and Congregation.
Obviously, I loved the company, and everything prior to knocking on doors, but not the actual door to door - I hated it. I was always embarrass going out in service, never wanting anyone at school, or the neighborhood to see me. I recall after I graduated from HS and started going to business school I aux pio in that magical month of April. I got most of my time in street work. Well, one morning as I was engaged in street work, I ran into a classmate at the business school. Embarrassed, I tried to hide the mags behind my back - they were inside those infamous plastic covers. After a few minutes of small talk and said I have to go, and I hurriedly turned and start walking the opposition direction. As I reached for my mags they were gone. When I turned to the spot where I was talking I saw them on the ground, they must have felled out the plastic cover when I put mags behind my back. Needless to say I felt like a jerk.
I recall a brother during a talk said 'going out in Field Service was unnatural, but we do it for the love of Jah :-(
I hated asking for a donation, hated disturbing folks, hated carrying the service bag, I hated working the same territory over again, hated when people threaten and called security in us. And most of all, I hated 'door to door' work in territories where JW's and people of color were obviously not welcomed. If looks could kill....!
Peace and Security - LL
Edited by - Larry on 28 August 2002 9:46:39
to be honest----N O P E NOT QUEENIE --- not the activity nor the people I was forced to be around..I could not wait to get home and be with myself and my SKIPPY DOG....QUEENIE ((((hugs))))