XJWs what do U do with your TIME now

by QUEENIE 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scarlet

    I work 45-60 hours a week at 1 1/2 jobs, I go to school fulltime I hope to graduate in 16 months but then will go for my masters. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I have a husband and 4 cats.


    I AM a person that likes to be with myself and with immediate family when they desire it I do not push myself on no one that I am aware of...SEPT 7 I become 56 and most of my life I have been the nicest person to myself that I know of..SAT and SUN morning I like cartoons...I will not ever be the same after my stroke in 96 physically speaking and though mentally speaking I am a very deep thinking person I have been deemed a very boring and negative person by a male xJW named STAN all I can say is who died and made him GOD when I am GOD not him...yes I am great with sarcastic retortes and no match when it comes to mental and emotional abusive (I fight fire with fire)..NOW as to my diabetic blisters well I have been going on 7 months now and still no relief in sight-not good enough to suit me perfectionist that I am..PAT yourselves on your backs guys with your own PERSONAL accomplishments ((((((((HUGS))))) LINDA LOU aka queenie

  • KungFu

    Hi!! I've been free since Feb. 2002. So what do I do with my time?? I think of how nice hell will be because we're all going to rot in hell by way of maggots!! Oh, but me and Satan, we're close. We're tight. I call him Bub. Everyone else calls him Beelzebub but we're close. I'm going to hell to burn where there's Sex,drugs, and rock and roll!! Yeah baby!! ::smacks self in the head:: Better now.

    What do I do with my free time??

    1)Acting classes 3 days a week.

    2)Kung Fu twice a week.

    3)That thing called work.

    4)Talking with friends or going out with friends.

    5)Yoga and meditation.

    6)Skilled at playing the radio (lots of practice)



    Just loving life. More relaxed about life. Definitely not sweating the little things any more.

    Have fun and enjoy life!!

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