WTS leader rants against higher education

by hoser 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1
    I'd fire that non-competitive attorney!
  • stuckinamovement
    No wonder they lose court cases. Their attorney doesn't want to win.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Brumley said after he went to college he became competitive and wouldn't recommend college to others. ... Tight pants made the comment that bethel won't send anymore members to college to be lawyers. ... He ended the rant by saying the best career is pioneering and that's what young Jws should do.

    If pioneering really is "the best career," ToMo and PhilBrum should put their money where their mouths are and step out from the bright lights and cameras and go back to the field, knocking on doors and earning money working as janitors. In fact, bethel should dismiss all bethelites with college degrees. Although this will mean that they will lose some talented people, wouldn't it prove that they truly are "relying on Jehovah"? Just pick some newboy with barely a GED to become the bethel doctor, wouldn't that prove that university training doesn't matter?

    Of course, they won't do that, because they know that a college degree matters more than relying on imaginary sky-daddy.

    And Brumley may as well come out and say, "Now that I have my degree and a very comfortable position, let me pull up that ladder of 'higher education' and just get that out of your way while you're sweeping the floor beneath me!

  • wannaexit

    I hope that lots of dubs watch this production.  I have heard many witnesses that feel that the prohibition on education is a local thing. Now they will get to see that it's systemic and the'll get to hear it from the horses' mouth.

    Tony Morris you have just given yourself a little more rope to hang yourself with!

    So Brumley gets sent to get a law degree 30 years ago . He has used his education from the enemy for 30 years and now he decides that it was a bad idea? Idiot! Why did the society continue to sent people to law school after Brumleys disastrous experience?

    If this production doesn't spell cult I don' t what would.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Real quick, my favorite moments from the "education" broadcast:

    1) Every time the Turd pronounced "JW" as "jay-dub-yuh";

    2) When he was reading the scripture in 1Tim at around 8 or 9 minutes and got hung up ". . . and. . .  er. . .  .ummm.  . . ."


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Well looks like Tony was in full form on this broadcast. I wonder how his fellow GB feel about him making another broadcast about the evils of tight pants and how it makes Jehovah get all disgusted when he see's them on the brother and sisters. I sure hope he gets to rant more and more about His and Jehovah's pet peeves.

    What we really need is for Gerrit Loesch to give a speal about how getting a higher education is like shooting one's self in the head, I think all the brothers would really like to hear him tell it again.

    Or Mashal Applewhite/Stephan Lett can tell us all about not listening to the voice of Strangers and how evil these Strangers are! He needs to get his Xenophobic ass on a broadcast it would be hilarious.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    You know Anthony Morris is in deep denial when the Corporation he is mismanaging has all these Child Molestation lawsuits and he still has mental energy left to put together a talk about not getting a good education because it will pull that person out of the WT corporation's clutches, to me that is an indication that he is focusing on trivial things and making them huge issues to stay in denial about a very big problem the corporation is facing. God if I were in his shoes I could give a rat ass about these kids getting a higher education and loosing them to the world instead I'd be more concerned about any further harm caused by GB policies. The guys seems almost psychopathic in the bull shit he's spouting and definately out of touch with reality.

    Denial big time! But for how long? Until the shit really hits the fan then he will wake up and smell the coffee by golly.

    Meanwhile Gerrit Loesch swears he fly back to Europe if given another subpeana to give a fine testimony for the Watchtower Corporation's faith policies.

  • steve2

    Sounds like the "need" to publically frown upon higher education is falling upon deaf ears among the rank and file - the frequency and intensity of the warnings strongly indicates witnesses (and in particular those young ones raised in the organization) are going to college and other places of higher education. Pioneering indeed! The horse has already bolted, man. 

  • oppostate

    I find it so disconcerting to have Tony the Turd talking while the world is behind him in darkness with the only light points being the night lights of big cities. 

    The effect of a moving/rotating background behind this talking figurehead is conducive to nausea and his rambling on hypnotic.

    Tony oh Tohy! What a bunch of bull you're spewing in your fancy web TV studio! 

  • berrygerry

    Have you watched this drivel?

    TOMO always comes up with the biggest BS stories possible.

    About the 23:00 mark, he says that the student begged his parents to let him leave university.

    Well, then, just leave.

    No, he stayed.

    The parents ended up divorced, the siblings left "the truth" blah, blah, blah, all because the parents FORCED their son to stay in university. What horse droppings.

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