
by happy2b 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy2b

    Hi! I just started posting and have really enjoyed it! I know I gave the title as Halloween. Well, it's because halloween is 64 days away. hehehe!! I have enjoyed this holiday so much! I was wondering if any of you have had as much fun as we have. Isn't it nice to enjoy life and not feel guilty or like you're being watched?

    I plan on dressing up as Raggedy Ann this year. I'd love to be something really scary, but we have so many little kids that come to the house, I don't want to really scare them. But, we do have a halloween/birthday party for one of our daughters every year. That has really gone over well with the kids. I'd love to hear your experiences with the holidays. Did you have apprehensions? Do you celebrate all the holidays? or are you more reserved about some of them? We jumped in full force!! It did take us 4 years before we voted, but now, it's such a privledge. Anyone that would love an email buddy, write me at [email protected]

    I'd love to meet you.

    happy2b OUT!

  • LyinEyes

    Nice to have you here.
    My kids are looking forward to celebrating halloween for the first time this year. My kids are a little morbid, they love horror movies and want to dress up gory...... we shall see how far I will let them go. My oldest son is 15 and is planning some pranks with his friends. I have to tell him he can't get into trouble ,, some kids love to use halloween to do things they shouldnt!! LOL I have enjoyed celebrating my daughters birthday for the first time she was 8 last march, and it was a blast.My youngest son will have a birthday in a few weeks, so I need to start planning.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I couldn't wait to celebrate! And boy do we go overboard. Halloween is great fun around here, my kids love trick or treating, and dressing up.

    Easter and Christmas are my favorite holidays, they mean the most to us. And birthdays are quite the celebration. My first birthday celebration was for my son, we have four children, and so alot of celebrating to do. Do you find yourself making your own traditions? I had to. Nobody showed me how! I will not discuss my first Thanksgiving meal.....poor bird

  • happy2b

    It's strange. I talk to others that have celebrate their whole lifes. They have traditions and the holidays hold special meaning for them. A more spiritual meaning that I'm not sure I will ever have.

    We do make up our own traditions. We have to! I think that's why we do go overboard every year.

    I feel like I have so much to make up for. The kids have missed so many b'days! We have 4 kids too. and the oldest is 16, she had missed the most. But, she's having the time of her life now. And is a wonderful teenager. (thank goodness!) Because had she turned out to be a horrible teen, the congregation would have blamed me for getting out!! well, HA HA!!!


  • Swan



    Edited by - UglyDuckling on 28 August 2002 15:38:22

  • LB

    OK I have a little halloween story to share

    It was a couple of years before we became dubs. My wife was working late so while she was gone my son and I dug up 3 graves in our front lawn. We painted up headstones and the work

    The 3 open graves each had a dummy laying in them, except the dummy in the middle was my son. I placed a bowl of candy on top of my son and the kids would go and grab themselves some. Every so often my son would raise his hand and say in a deep voice only one piece each and that would usually result in a kid falling over backwards and the entire neighborhood breaking out in laughter.

    When my wife got home I asked her to pose over the open graves so I could take a photo. She took the destroyed front lawn in stride and posed. Just a little closer honey, move closer please. When my son grabbed her arm she freaked! Best reaction of the night.

    Then early in the morning came the task of resodding the front lawn. It was worth it.

  • LyinEyes

    God, LB, that picture in my mind of your halloween almost made me cry. I guess because I just read jwbot's thread of missing her family, and I am grateful we will be able to have some holidays before my oldest has moved out and on his own. It sounds so wonderful that families can be that close and have such fun, I never knew anything like that growing up, so I plan to go overboard all the rest of this year at least.. Wild Turkey and I want to do something to really scare the heck out of our little demons, they are really not phased by much... so we really want to get them good. Thanks for sharing your experience,,,,,,,, I can see it so clearly and almost hear the laughter of your family.You tell a good story LB, I like to read lots of details, it helps to really envision it in your mind.

  • LB

    Yes we've had a lot of fun tormenting the children over the years. After all, if you can't torment them, why have them

    I used to have this scary mask around. It was useful one night. You know how it is getting kids to bed. Are the lights off? "yeah mom they are off". But they aren't. Soooooooo.......

    One night I went into my sons bedroom when he was about 12 or so years old. I had the mask on and hid in his closest. He closed his door and turned his radio on low and started doing some dancing in front of his mirror. He was shaking his booty to some Cars or something and of course telling his mom the lights are off mom, don't worry. Well he boogies on over to the closet area with one of his famous moves when I reach through the opening and make a scary noise.

    This time he jumps out of his skin. Falls backwards over his bed and then jumps to his feet and assumes the defensive karate move, yeah right kid .

    Have fun, and with WT in the house, I think you're kids are going to crap their pants.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    This is in Spanish then also in English, and it will tell any JW the real truth about the holidays. Tell me if you need more on other topics at [email protected] :

    "HALLOWEEN" Y OTROS DIAS DE CELEBRACION: Halloween, similar al dia de los muertos en Latinoamerica, vino de la Tarde de Todos los Santificado, es decir la tarde cuando los padres dieron la ropas a los nios para que ellos pudieron resemblar como santos para animarles a que sean mas buenos personas, los "pranks" normalmente inofensivos viniendo de Irlanda donde pueden o pudieron no haber venido de paganos incluso es correcto tocante a los anillos de bodas, nombres de los das, meses, algunos nombres cristianos en la biblia como Apollos y Jason que tambin vininieron de paganos. Las personas opuestas a la Navidad admiten a veces que Cristo probablemente fue nacido el 2 de octubre, pero porque porqu ellos no hacen caso de si una persona conta detrs 9 meses para el concepto normal o el nacimiento genetico de Jesucristo llega al ltimo de diciembre? Por qu insista Navidad es del Saturnalia pagano cuando Juan 10:22-3 dice que Cristo tambin celebr el festival del esmero o de las luces, es decir Hannukah, que a la primera vez comenz Diciembre 25 pero ha variado hasta hoy porque sta basado en el calendario lunar? Job 1:3, 3:1-3 muestra que los ninos de Job celebr cumpleaos si usted lea los tres versos para ver la fecha de nacimiento esta significado. En Lucas 2 los ngeles mismos celebraron el nacimiento de Cristo. Santa Claus es de Santo Nicholas, una anciano que donaba regalos y tuvo robas rojas y blancas durante las Edades Medias, no de un mago o dios pagano.

    La palabra Pascua es Easter en ingles y su origen inglesa se puede ser tambien de la palabra anglosajona para el Oriente que es East en ingles, y el cristianismo vino del Oriente a Inglaterra. Es incorrecto decir que vino definidamente del nombre de la diosa pagana nombrado Eastre. Los huevos possiblemente vinieron del huevo judo de la Pascua (Passover en ingles) no necesario de los paganos. Los huevos y los conejos que usan durante Pascua/Easter ms probablemente fueron usado por los cristianos tempranos para simbolizar la esperanza de la nueva vida por el resurrection, con menos posibilidad que vinieron de vesiges de rites paganismos para la fertilidad o de practicas sexuales! Por qu dicen los oposadores que das de fiesta son compromisos terribles cuando de hecho atacaron y substituyeron en lugar de los paganismos, especialmente puesto que Colossenses 2:16 dice no dej ninguno juzgarle a Uds. alrededor de un da de fiesta o un sabado? Galatias 5:22 dice que uno de las frutas del Espiritu Santa es la goza.

    HALLOWEEN AND OTHER HOLIDAYS: Halloween came from All Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when parents had children dress as saints to encourage them to be good, the normally harmless pranks coming from Ireland where they may or may not have come from pagans even as wedding rings, names of days, months, some Christian names in the Bible like Apollos and Jason also came from pagans. Persons opposed to Christmas sometimes admit that Christ was likely born about Oct 2, so why do they ignore counting back 9 months for normal conception or genetic-level birth means he was born in late December? Why insist Christmas is from the pagan Saturnalia when John 10:22-3 says Christ also celebrated the Festival of Dedication or Lights, i.e. Hannukah, which first began Dec 25 but has varied since because lunar-based? Job 1:3, 3:1-3 show Job's kids celebrated birthdays if you read all 3 verses to see day of birth is meant. At Luke 2 angels themselves celebrated Christ's birth. Santa is from Saint Nicholas, an actual red-robed Christian gift-giving elder of the Middle Ages, not a wizard or pagan god.

    The word Easter may as easily be from the Anglo-Saxon word eastern (Christianity came from East of England) as from the goddess Eastre, the eggs as likely from the Jewish passover egg as from paganry, common sense saying early Christians more likely using eggs and rabbits to symbolize the hope for new life by resurrection than as vesiges of pagan fertility or sex rites! Why does any person call compromises holidays that attacked and replaced paganisms especially since Colossians 2:16 says let none judge you about a holiday or Sabbaths? Galatians 5:22 says that one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is joy!

  • LyinEyes

    I am seriously LMAO LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think that was way too funny,,,I have done some similar things to my kids,,, but one question, while the son was dancing in the mirror, who did you keep from busting up laughing? I bet it was hard to keep quiet and wait for the right moment!!!!!!!! LOL

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