Slow motion pioneers

by 1Averagejoe 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111
    When I was in, it was called Pioneer Time...walking slowly,making time stretch.
  • rebel8

    I was literally forced to pioneer and I never made my hours. Hated every second of it--torture. I was hoping to get kicked off the rolls but they never did. They even sent me to pio school.

    Was inactive and still was on the rolls as a pio. Finally when I said I am never coming back they asked for my pio ID card. I LOLd. I mean, what do they think I'm going to do with it, get discounts at IHop? Wierdos.

    I remember going in fs with pios from another cong and they deliberately did their RVs criss-crossing the territory to count their time while driving. The whole thing was a joke. Some people deliberately pretended to knock on the doors so no one would answer.

    Others would drive slowly or count their time while they were at service meetings by "starting their time" beforehand dropping off back issues at a laundromat. There was a big deal about "starting your time". It was a free ticket to do anything for the rest of the day, as long as you sprinkled some symbolic FS in there.

  • geevee

    Back in the day we had a group of regular pioneers who used to get up in the morning and start their time by writing letters to householders that could be used when the regulation 3 attempts at calling on not at homes failed. They would get up and still be in their pajamas and sipping coffee and eating their toast. They would have 3 hours in before they met the group for fs!!!

    What a joke and what a complete waste of time!

  • 1Averagejoe

    Gevee - a complete waste of time!

    Yes waste of our time benefiting only the Borg. Before one realizes life opportunities pass by.

    One parent in our congregation has two daughters getting into their 30's pioneering while he's reaching retirement age. The sisters don't know how to get jobs and one could'nt keep her first and only job, so have been unemployed. His comments at the meetings are often "pioneering is the best job this side of the system." The one who studied with me years back used to say the same about bethel, cause his son was a bethelite. How we try and justify our being misdirected into slavery!

  • Lieu


    There is no scripture. It's one of those modern man made WT rulz. Kinda like having people wash up to their elbows when a basic hand wash would suffice. You see, the Apostles didn't work for a book factory, therefore they had no need to punch time cards.

    As a pioneer, my time was voluntary & volunteers don't punch time cards. I honestly didn't care if I made the time or not.

    Most of the pioneers would drag out their day because they knew the time factor was an exercise in futility and quite redundant. Why would a religion require "quotas"?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    it was they who taught me The Pioneer Shuffle.

    ha ha------great title.

  • Dutchdelight
    Two pioneers are out in service when suddenly one of them lift his foot to put it down full force on a snail. The other pioneer is flabbergasted and asks him why he just did that. The first pioneer responds: "I'm sorry about that, but it was getting in my way for the last hour and a half" (JW joke from my country).
  • 1Averagejoe


    True. It's not a bible based rule. Scriptures somehow are not called to mind when pioneering goal is bombarded to us, made to feel its urgent and shown by "example" others were having in "Jehovah supporting them"

    "Take good care not to practice your righteousness in front of men to be observed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with your Father who is i the heavens... Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing... " Mat 6:3. What IS stressed is verse 33 of the same chapter.

    Even the fact that the disciples returned with their "report" that even demons were made subject" to them, Jesus hadn't required them to hand in their detail reports, it is just something they said in wonderment.

    Take away the requirement of giving of field reports, experience at meetings and assemblies, the applauds and constant praise one will get, the added "priviledges" then opened to such, who in their right mind would pioneer?

    Perhaps at the assemblies experience they should include asking if the pioneer is meeting his hours.

  • tiki
    Given the "need" for$$$$ one would think they'd want their peeps out there earning it....instead of the total waste of gas fund..vehicle wear and tear...
  • Freeandclear
    When I pioneered in my early 20's (1991) I had my pioneer buddies. A husband and wife team. They really showed me the ropes.....driving to the farthest call they could remember, then all the way back around town, then right back to where we'd already been, etc etc etc.....extended coffee and fastfood breaks...... it was hell. It was actually depressing and pointless and I knew it. I had more fun actually talking to people and having studies, but those were rare. I was 100% when I was in it and even I fudged my time sometimes. Oh the's all just about a title. Look at me all you single sisters! I'm a Pioneer! whatever.....

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