It's CAPTION time!!!!!
Just before they reached Paradise, Brother Flippy heard the rogue Apostate Trees coming up rapidly behind the Flippy Family.
Little did Sister Flippy know that she was about to get thrown over a cliff by her irate mother for saying "BLOW", basket & all.
Sister Flippy was amazed that the Sherpas hadn't tried to take a peek up her dress yet - they were well known for their "UPSKIRT XXX PRON OMG LOL WTF".
Stuck in a wicker basket carried by his Sister, Baby Flippy felt that the New System wasn't all it was cracked up to be, considering all baby carriers had been destroyed and other things had to be used instead, like fruit baskets.
Pink and turquoise had been chosen as the least likely colours to cause a gang confrontation in downtown Manhattan by the eager Pioneer family, but Little Brother Flippy was a prime target for the Westside Gang, because the Eastside Gang wore red.
Little Sister Flippy had thought that the Elizabethen Collar looked cool on the puppy after it's ass operation, so she kept it and wrapped it around her neck when the puppy's ass was healed.
They'd had such a tough time pontificating, but eventually Mama Flippy decided that she and her daughter would wear pointy shoes for their hike up the huge mountain. Their decison was Bible Based (TM).