Help and suggestions

by JG 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JG

    I just got off of the phone with my wife, and she's been researching my beliefs (catholic) and wants to discuss what she's found. Several subjects like marion worship, sacrifice of the mass etc. I told her sure I'll discuss them with you, BUT I get equal time to discuss problems with your religion.
    To make a short story long she agreed but she wants me to discuss Important things things I fear may put her in jeapordy spiritually. I think she is talking major doctrine as opposed to silentlambs etc. If you were given a free shot chance at showing something to your loved one what would it be.

  • DJ

    hi JG,

    I'm sorry, I guess I'm slow today. I'm not sure what you are asking. Is your wife a JW? Are you asking for help in choosing a topic for discussion about the JW's to free her from their teachings? Please be more specific. Thanks, dj

  • Mum

    Sean, I am also a bit unclear about your post. It sounds like your wife is a JW and you are a Catholic, and the two of you are going to have some sort of theological dialogue about the issues each has with the other's religion.

    I suggest you talk to a priest about both kinds of theology before you approach the subject with your wife.

  • waiting

    Hey JG - welcome to our forum. A free shot, eh?

    I would suggest that you do some reading over at Research on the Tower and Freeminds. There are so many principles with the jw's - and they're ever changing.....the locals just don't realize it. "New Light" and all that rot.

    One that's had a LOT of research done on it is the No Blood Doctrine. JanH & Hawk & Lee Elder (he has a site listed at the bottom of this forum) have contributed volumes on the subject - and the error of the jw teaching.

    Your jw wife will say that it's a Biblical Law put upon the survivors of the Flood of Noah, the Hebrew Scriptures, and again in the Christian Greek Scriptures. "It has little to do with what the medical profession says. It has all to do with God's Law." lol - I can still speak the lingo, eh?

    But...............................the little 2 page article on allowing many components of blood - just not whole blood is very telling. This little change has everything to do with medicine and nothing to do with the Bible. If she says it does, hand her the Bible and say "where?" Btw, the article will be on Lee Elder's site and Hawk has tremendous threads on it here. Just click under Hawkaw's name.

    Btw, she can't say you found this out from apostates because Hawk has never even studied with the jw's. And Lee is still "a jw christian in good standing." lol - so am I.

    Do some research, and try and be gentle with your wife - she's not used to seeing without blinders on. It's tough at first.


  • larc

    I think that if there was one subject to discuss, it would be the history of JW's failed prophecy. This can be shown from their own literature. Quotes from them before and after 1914, 1925, and 1975 are quite revealing.

  • JG

    Mum hit the nail on the head
    I'm Catholic my wife is a born-in JW, she was away from the dub for 12 years, now she's back and blah blah blah.

    Larc. I'm not sure that is the one to go with unless I go about it as trying to show that the GB are not speaking for God and then let her push and try to prove it and then drop the failed predictions on her twords the end.

  • DJ


    May I ask why your wife was inactive for 12 years? Was she in disagreement with a particular issue or simply fed up with all of the hypocrisy? Why did she return? Was she shunned?

    Unfortunately, I don't believe that a one subject debate is going to lead anywhere. For most of us, I'm afraid it was a culmination of a variety of issues. Even then, it is hard to make the break. In my experience 'debating' with a witness ends up with hollering and deep rooted anger.

    I feel for you JG. I guess that I really should butt out now because I do not believe the Catholics either. For me it is more of a relationship with Christ that matters. All of these other rules are merely man-made. I'm sure that you must be aware that as a Catholic, you are the jw's staunchest rival.

    I do think that your approach about trying to disprove the GB's claim of speaking for God is your best place to begin. After all, all of their beliefs hinge on that one false factor. My thoughts are with you. dj

  • outnfree

    607 BCE is a false date, thus 1914 is incorrect as the time of the invisible enthronement of Jesus Christ in heaven, thus the GB is full of baloney and cannot be God's channel of understanding on earth.

    Go to "Quotes" via the link at the bottom of the page for more on this.

    and Good Luck!


    oh and BTW -- re: Marian worship? If Jesus' name is the one name by which humankind is to attain to salvation and Jesus obeyed the Law Covenant perfectly and thus obeyed the commandment to honor his MOTHER and Father, why cannot humankind also honor Jesus' mother? Despite my run-on sentence , this is an argument a Catholic Bible student of mine once gave me, and I saw no way to refute her logic.

  • JG

    She just faded away, we were dating and there were lots of whispers and a visit by the elders and then she just faded out.
    Last summer she was considering joining the Catholic church and prayed for guidence and lo and behold a JW shows up a week later AHHH A SIGN FROM GOD! like they wern't in my neighborhood every 6 weeks anyway. I think 9-11 had something to do with it too.
    Anyway I'm your kinda Catholic, I think everyones personal relationship with god is the most important. I even volunteered to go as a family to a non-denom church and I could recieve the Eucharist on my own time. I think that a family has to have a common religious background something to share, some kind of unity.
    Also officially the church feels that if you believe in Christ and are a good person you're O'tay. Don't worry I don't judge anyone That's not my Job.

    Outnfree, In all of my studies of mary and all that that's the first time I had heard of that theory on Mary.

  • Robdar

    JG: Outnfree said: re: Marian worship? If Jesus' name is the one name by which humankind is to attain to salvation and Jesus obeyed the Law Covenant perfectly and thus obeyed the commandment to honor his MOTHER and Father, why cannot humankind also honor Jesus' mother? Despite my run-on sentence , this is an argument a Catholic Bible student of mine once gave me, and I saw no way to refute her logic.

    You replied: Outnfree, In all of my studies of mary and all that that's the first time I had heard of that theory on Mary.

    Hmmmm, and you say you are a Catholic? This is one of the first teachings we discussed when I attended Catechism studies with the Catholic Church. Of course, that is only part of their reasoning for honoring Mary. There are other reasons too. Either way, something is fishy here.


    Edited by - robdar on 30 August 2002 0:50:58

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