Scully has so many posts here that its kind of scary. I am not sure whether to be in awe of her or frightened at her tenacity.
Found an Old Letter
by Scully 26 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Correction re: metal/mettle.................
'Spanish metal proved no match for English mettle.'
I jumped out of bed with the above "more correct" quotation exploding in my head; where do these things come from?
That's some mean writing there. You do a great job of developing and supporting your theme. I can't imagine that your logic was appreciated by the brothers. I'm guessing you sent it to them anonymously. If I'm wrong, WOW! Either way, thanks for being an inspiration.
Do kh's still have pioneer quarters?
I never learn to read the date on a thread first. The same thing always happens. I read on down, then see Farkell's avatar and then realise it is an old one...
why did three members of this body raise their hands in objection to this resolution?
Those elders had some gump to oppose it. Perhaps because there were three of them . I was a lone dissenter once when my cong. wanted a hall in a location that I considered too far away. I admit though that I disappeared when the vote was taken, I abstained . Call me chicken if you want. It is funny how they present it as being 'Gods will' as evidenced by the "amazing cooperation of thr Town Planners" or some other 'sign'.
Scully, it was a brilliant letter - pity that you could not sign it. I know why.
Around 1989-1990 the Real Estate was close to coming to the end of it's frothy bubble. Witnesses decided to pay top dollar for a Kingdom Hall where Ray Publisher use to attend. Two elders were opposed and wrote that the Economy was looking bad, friends were finding it tough to make their home payments and it was not going to work on it's own merit. The Elders told everyone in the Kingdom Hall to vote for the Albatross and just as the two complaining rebel elders predicted, the Witnesses who paid top dollar bought before the Market crashed harder than 2008-2009 dollar wise.
It was a mess, construction stalled back and forth, every congregation in Santa Barbara County to North of the Grade was asked to donate $500 to $800 a month to help this mess out. Some Kingdom Halls were hurting financially badly, still the elders said "Jehovah will take care of this" and we all lived with talks from the Circuit Overseers and local Elders begging for everyone to donate money to the Kingdom Hall Two-Hall Complex. For years we listened to the "Begging Talks" and "Local Needs" parts about "Letting go of our possessions to help the Oceano Kingdom Hall Albatross." Publishers never get a say in these things, even when the forum was allowed to address the concerns of two of the Window Cleaning Elders, they were steam-rolled by Zealots wanting to please the Organization at the cost of begging for money from all the Kingdom Halls in two counties!
Again, the idiots at this Two-Plex started to plan remolding during the 2008 economic meltdown, they asked for the friends help in 2009 for six figures to get things going. Why do the wise elders always pick the economic meltdowns when brothers and sisters suffering from unemployment in the construction field (that's most of the jobs in our two counties for JWs)to proceed with costly burdens and punishing yokes Jesus said would not exist with his true followers?
Why do the wise elders always pick the economic meltdowns when brothers and sisters suffering from unemployment in the construction field (that's most of the jobs in our two counties for JWs)to proceed with costly burdens and punishing yokes Jesus said would not exist with his true followers?
simple, it is because the brothers that are in charge of the RBC are out of work too. The need some kickback money from the building projects to make their bmw payments