Royal Commission into Institutional Child abuse in Australia.

by zeb 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot

    Brokeback WT - "I don't see how especially with all these lawsuits on the books charging this corporation with cruelty toward its members how they can ever keep their status or regain it"

    I've said this before, but If justice system (in any developed country) ever feels compelled by the public to "make and example" of a group and show that they're not "soft on religious abuse", the WTS is an ideal candidate.

  • truthseekeriam

    It's refreshing to be treated with such care and respect isn't it possum? My daughter and I had the same experience with the prosecutor and victim advocate that handled the case we were involved in. It's complete opposite of how the elders that supposedly loved us treated much for worldly people being evil.

    I'm happy you are able to bravely speak up :)

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.

  • possum
    Thanks so much truthseeleriam. So much for shepherds looking after "lost sheep". I felt I was a lamb lead to the slaughter. We are all so brave really they dismantle us and then we have to summon up the courage to take them on while they hide.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Also I hope that they bring out how if you disagree with procedures or what the Corporation is saying you can be brought before a judicial committee and disfellowshipped unless your repent and fall back in line with procedures.

    This can give them the extent of their abuse in power over people to trap them into conformity. A beneficial charity they are not but instead they are a monster in sheep's clothing.

  • possum
    In our submission we made it quite clear that a pedophile repeat offender in our family was protected by that cult while we had to move 2,000 klms to get way from the shunning and abuse for speaking out about the 2 witness policy. The abuser is now deceased buried "with full honors" of course. Heartening to know that I the granddaughter (3rd generation) have less value than a dead pedophile!
  • zeb

    I telephoned them and too I was spoken too with the very best professional kind and objective way.

    All people answering the phone there are qualified experienced kind counsellors. When I had to pause and take a breath the counsellor did also. No pressure.

    Verily they shine!

    It is not too late to telephone them. The number is on the web site and its a 1800 so no cost.

  • possum
    I cant be bothered wasting my time being patronized by someone who is only able to speak watchtower. Although I cant resist very kindly, quietly and respectfully engaging in some education re: two witness policy, ect when I see them parked with their little trolleys.

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