What percentage of the population are gay?

by fulltimestudent 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent
    PaintedToeNail :27 minutes agosparrow-Just a question, with no malice or sarcasm intended, would you find it very interesting and touching if a hetro married couple had one member having sex with a member of the opposite sex or would you call it adultery? I saw the same documentary and wondered if the women would've stayed if the person their husband was attracted to was another woman.

    I do not believe I've seen that documentary, but here's some random thoughts. First in most large cities its likely not too difficult to find some couples like the above. But, you can also find some sad experiences. Seen a few in Yahweh's spiritual paradise. Most women would find it too much to have to share their husband with his boyfriend.

    That's one reason I support gay marriage, hopefully it will stop those sad cases we sometimes saw in the org. where a young gay man, strives to suppress his sexuality and get's married to a young sister, in the belief that Yahweh will change him to hetero. Bullshit! No matter how hard he prays, the gay will stay.

    PaintedToeNail: fulltime-This is an interesting topic, I just searched for the same info yesterday. It must be on a lot of minds right now.

    I'm sure it is, but even if there was a general average of 10% average of exclusively gay. How will that translate when you include those who are generally str8, but are prepared to sometimes hook-up with someone of the opposite sex. Would we then be approaching 50% of the population?

    And what of those interesting males who prefer the company (sexually too) of women, but love to be screwed by their woman wearing a strap-on?

    There's an interesting link here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/all-about-sex/201408/the-curious-couples-guide-strap-dildos

    Think I'll leave the subject there, but maybe exclusively str8 sex and str8 marriage is the minority position.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    This might be off topic but I just had to put it on a thread dealing with gays. Watch the whole video, particularly the 1:05 time mark.


  • truthseeker100

    Village Idiot

    This preacher would make a wonderful addition to the governing body. I don't go to star bucks either! I go to Tim Horton's instead. LOL

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    I don't think this question should matter.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    truthseeker100, One should email this video link to the Watchtower (if that's possible) since some unsuspecting Governing Body member or Bethelite might be a regular Starbucks customer.
  • truthseeker100

    Village Idiot

    I'm sure the governing body are already aware of it.

  • kaik
    There is a also a difference between same-sex behavior and same-sex desire. Most of the same-sex experiences are not necessary coincide with attraction to the same gender, and is often due institutionalization of people within close space like in prisons, barracks, and boarding houses. The study on same-sex attractions were already conducted in the 19th century and their finding is not much different from today. In Austria empire and Prussia had estimated that about 2% of men were homosexual based on arrest records and subculture around 1850. In large cities like Berlin, Prague, Budapest, and Vienna about one man in 50 had continuous same sex experience or lived in domestic partnership around 1890. Austria attempted to decriminalize homosexuality as early as 1850's when new constitution was written up together with criminal laws and significant material was presented by Austrian scientific community.
  • FayeDunaway

    Kaik, you always have something interesting to say.

    i definitely don't this time, but I feel stupid for my word typo above. I meant to say 'same sex' and said 'other sex.'

  • Wasanelder Once
  • coalize

    In fact, the rate of gay people is almost the same as the rate of gay dogs.

    And the same as the rate of gay cats.

    And the same as the rate of gay horses.... etc..

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