This is a work in progress so let me postulate a few and then post your observations.
I think when we examine this subject we will be able to understand how they picked this recent batch of new comers who can just about manage to even tie their shoe laces and clearly are almost complete idiots.
I'm sure they test any GB hopefuls as to loyalty and courage to face pressure and make defenses for the corporation sound at least plausible and with in the limits of understanding imposed by the corporations edicts.
I know Anthony Morris came from wealth and he mentioned in one of his talks that his aged father tried to warn him about giving money to the WT corporation and he said that what his dad didn't know was that he WAS the Society (he may have been trying to get some money from his wealthy dad to give to the corporation as sort of an investment in loyalty that would catapault him to GB stardom and who knows maybe even chief honcho.
So I wonder can some buy their way to the top? After all it is a scam operation based on bullshit and all the members of the elite are money hungry if not for themselves then for their sock puppet Jehovah/Me.
What say you?