If every ex-witness were to put a bumper sticker on their car saying so, if every ex-witness were to make a point of telling people on the job or anywhere else for that matter that they get a chance to about why they left, I think there would be an enormous reaction. I think a lot of ex-witnesses hide the fact that they were ever a part of the cult. That is my normal reaction. I have to overcome it to talk to people about it as I am ashamed of having been in this goofy bunch. I do though, and I do it for the sake of prevention. I genuinely believe that one honest ex-witness who is open defeats the efforts of many, many cult members out spreading half-truths and out right lies. Like the one Junior told the other day about abuse victims getting special counseling. Wow. A lot of witnesses must have cringed when they heard that, if they have any conscience left at all.
When I talk to people who know little of the Witnesses the first thing I tell them is about the shunning. As my daughter is shunning me it is something I can speak to with authority. Most people are sickened by the cult's policy on shunning.