Weird stuff! Sometimes I wonder how we can tell if something we recall is real or imagined. Since everything we experience is recorded in our mind by some process of chemical, electrical or whatever, how can we know if it was real or not?
OK...I admit it, I am weird.
Regarding the word "Real" meaning of divine origin? Well, only time will tell if what was experienced (dreams and visions) were "real" in that regard. Even if such experiences are a manifestation or malfunction of an individual's brain chemistry or electrical wiring, it is still experienced by the individual, so to them it is all to real, though not experienced by others.
Will it happen or can it happen to MANY at same time? THAT would be the kicker wouldn't it? Then that would surely solidify it's "reality" from a much larger source.
Are these experiences of the forum members here just chemical, electrical problems in the brain or something else?
Time will be the determining factor. Until then, I'll be thought of as wacko. But that's OK. I am very comfortable with that fact.
It's strange to realize our whole life is just some chemical, electrical impulses in our head!!
Maybe we're all just complex marionettes with fluidic and tissue strings that can be pushed and pulled by the Master Gepetto who made us. And maybe some of us are Pinochio's too. Heh. I need some coffee...