Morning pondering

by ballistic 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • pomegranate

    Weird stuff! Sometimes I wonder how we can tell if something we recall is real or imagined. Since everything we experience is recorded in our mind by some process of chemical, electrical or whatever, how can we know if it was real or not?

    OK...I admit it, I am weird.

    Regarding the word "Real" meaning of divine origin? Well, only time will tell if what was experienced (dreams and visions) were "real" in that regard. Even if such experiences are a manifestation or malfunction of an individual's brain chemistry or electrical wiring, it is still experienced by the individual, so to them it is all to real, though not experienced by others.

    Will it happen or can it happen to MANY at same time? THAT would be the kicker wouldn't it? Then that would surely solidify it's "reality" from a much larger source.

    Are these experiences of the forum members here just chemical, electrical problems in the brain or something else?

    Time will be the determining factor. Until then, I'll be thought of as wacko. But that's OK. I am very comfortable with that fact.

    It's strange to realize our whole life is just some chemical, electrical impulses in our head!!

    Maybe we're all just complex marionettes with fluidic and tissue strings that can be pushed and pulled by the Master Gepetto who made us. And maybe some of us are Pinochio's too. Heh. I need some coffee...

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    I think dreams have some meaning to us. I haven't quite figured it out. The dreams I have that I remember when I wake up usually involve being back in the Borg. I'll be sitting at a meeting and light up a cig, and watch everyone turn and look at me in horror...LOL. I wake up feeling really good about things and laugh over the way I was able to put fear in their faces.

    Tink has had some very wild dreams. About 2 years after her fathers suicide, she was very distrought and stricken with many emotions, the formost one being guilt. She was having, what we came to understand as "night terrors", that involved her father not being dead or coming back with decaying flesh coming off his face and barking orders at her do do this or that. She went through this for almost 2 years. Around this time, I had gotten in contact with Survivors of Suicide and both Tink and I began to attend their group discussions. The person in charge of the Survivor meetings had invited Tink and one other person to participate in a panel discussion in front of about thirty people who were new to counseling potential suicides and those who had recent ones take their own lives within there family. She participated in the panel discussion. It was the most heart wrenching thing I ever watched. Both Tink and the other person completely opened up and told their whole story to this panel. Afterwards she was physically and mentally drained and barely spoke a word for the 2 hour ride back home to where we lived.

    That night she had a dream. The following morning she told me what she had dreamed. Her face was as white as the sheets on our bed as she told me. She said that she spoke with her father last night. I said "what?". She said that her father came into the room and sat down in a chair and asked her to sit in his lap. She did, and he proceeded to tell her how sorry he was for the way he treated her during childhood. He said that had he known how much his suicide would hurt her, that he would never have done such a thing. He told her that he loved her very much and was always proud of her, even though he never mentioned it to her while he was living. They laughed and cried together for what she said felt like was hours. When she woke up, she felt as though a large weight had been taken from her. She said that she really talked with her father, at least it was real enough for her to believe she actually had talked to him. From that day forward she had begun to heal and look at his suicide in a different light.

    I feel that God (or some supreme being responsible for all life) provides ways for us to cope and get through devistating times in our lives. I haven't had personal experiences with such dreams, but have listened to many that Tink has had since that dream of her father. She has had dreams of her mother as well, with similar benifits of feeling better about things after.


  • pomegranate

    <coffee in hand>

    Pretty touching CC...I'm glad Tink is getting stronger.

  • ballistic

    Here's something I don't know is real or a dream that happened when I was a dub.

    I awoke in the night for no apparent reason and sat bolt upright in the bed. (I was already puzzled - once I'm asleep I never wake up and something had forced me to lean forward) the room suddenly became white like a sheet of paper. I could not see anything - just a bright white light all throughout the room including my own body was just white-ness.

    Then my thoughts began to be "pulled" to the surface. Or memories I should say. They raced through my mind, random memories from throughout my life during which I started to loose track of time.

    If you want to know what this felt like, the feeling which accompanied this fleeting of memories was like trying very hard to remember something. Look up at the ceiling and try and remember what you were doing at 4pm last Sunday. Well it was that feeling but out of my control and it lasted constanly throughout these fleeting memories.

    Then, I must have wanted it to end, becuase I spoke out loud what I had always been told to say if attacked by demons, I said "Jehovah is the true God". I don't remember wanting to initiate saying this. It occured to me after that it may not have been me wishing to end it, but that this was actually the net result of me searching my brain (or whatever else was searching my brain). Maybe the basis of all my other experience in my life was my belief in a God called Jehovah.

    At that word, the light disappeared and I fell back into the bed exhausted. In the morning, I clearly remembered this in detail but without an explanation. I am clueless until this day.

  • SixofNine

    Just curious Pomegranate, were you (someone close to you) in the middle of a divorce, or having relationship problems at the time you had those thoughts?

  • pomegranate

    I have been married for 21 years with my soulmate, with 4 spectacular children.

    I have never had relationship problems. Ever. It is a foreign thought to me.

    I understand my vision totally...I'm not looking for interpretation.

    It was an amazing spectacle though...I will say that.

    I know it will be fulfilled.

    I know it.

  • FiveShadows

    If i may ask Ballistic, Can you try very hard to remember what exactly happened in the Dream...I may be of assitance to you. Email me if you wish [email protected] ....please let me know in the subject it's you so i don't delete it by accident. Thanks ~FS

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