More than 20 years ago, before I baptised, I reached the conclusion that the words of the bible are not inspired by God but only the global ideas. The reason why I reached that conclusion is based on Hebrews 6:18 "through to unchageable things in which it is imposible for God to lie" and the title of a famous book written by the JW. The idea I developed was the following: If there are things in which is impossible for God to lie ,then, by extension there are things in which is possible for God to lie, which is not proper for an ethically perfect God. Years after I tripped with a question that I think is important considering all the doctrinal differences: Why did Jesus didn't write personally some of the books of the bible?. My answer is that our beliefs are not that important and even if Jesus would have written the bible, because of the imperfection of the human languaje, even that way, we would have reached to doctrinally divergent opinions therefore again dogmas are not important. For those who believe that the bible is the word of God, does anyone of you have another solution for this problem?
The writers of the bible & Jesus
by Ginosko 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why did Jesus didn't write personally some of the books of the bible?
I believe he wrote the whole Bible.
He picked up men like I pick up a #2 pencil.
Hi Pomegranate,
When you take a pencil, you write your own words, but in the case of the bible, each of the writers use his own words, that's the reason because you found the word love more in John, and the letters of Paul are more rich in the use of the koini. Therefore, the words are not inspired, but only the global ideas.
When I write about differing topics and stories, I use differing words for each topic.
Each topic would demand it's own vocabulary as it is with ANY author, man or God. Differing PENCILS I used would have it's own character. So with each man called to be used by Him.
Even if you believe that, it doesn't answer the question why jesus didn't write a little something or compose a piece of incomparable music to prove his incomparability. As it is, one could conclude many different reasons for his nonwriting. For example: he couldn't write, he intended on a war of liberation against the romans, he had no plans for a christian religion to develope the way it did, he died sooner than he expected.
Hi Pom,
As I tried to said, I see some logical problem in the writing of Heb 6:18. This is not a perfect logical writing. I beleive that several of this forum can write this sentence better than that.
On the other hand I complete agree with Saint Satan, even in the case that you are right: Why didn't Jesus didn't write some letters, so all the confusion in the Cristendom will be avoided. For me the answer has something to do with 1 Cor 1:18-21, specially verse 21. And my conclusion is that for the Father is not that important the interpretation that we have of the bible, but the correct attitud.
To all: Come on guys. I want some others opinions. I think the topic is interesting, or is only me ?
Why didn't the Father commision Jesus to write with his own words the bible ?
Why use some people which are less prepare ? Didn't the Father know all the confusion that it will be generated with for example John 1: 1 and a lot of others verses of the bible ?
Another idea that sustain that only the global ideas are inspired but not the words is that we don't have any copy of the original scrolls of the bible. So the scholarships has the need to recolec a lot of scrolls of differents centuries, compare them, edit them and prepared a work which is call something like RESUNSION (in spanish). And example of that kind of work is the work of Wescott&Hort, but other is Nestle&Allan and also the Stutgartencia for the Hebrew books. If the specific words are inspired, why didn't the Father take care of the original scrolls and now as consecuence we have a lot of variants in the original language ?
A Paduan
Why didn't Jesus do other things and prove it?
( excuse me a moment - rotfl).
Seek and you shall find
Edited by - a paduan on 1 September 2002 9:39:38
Hi A Paduan,
My apologies, English is not my native language.
What I got of your post is the idea that what I'm asking is something similar like a question of: Why didn't God make today some miracle to probe all people that He exist ? Or, Why didn't Jesus make a miracle and put it in some sort of time container, so that all the generations can see it ? If that you idea; I can agree, but in this case I think that in some way is more deep the problem, because it afect our ideas of the message of God: the bible. There are a lot of real confusion in the Cristendom. I don't believe that all the cristian schollarship really don't want to understand the bible. I can see that there a portions of the bible that can be interpreted in some way or another. Maybe this is related in some way with Daniel 12: 9-10. If you agree with this kind of reasoning, please help me if you can, because actually I can't complete understand the bible, and I really want to understand it and to act in a better way.
A Paduan
I didn't want to sound like I was ribbing people, but basically, I couldn't answer it for you because I believe that you have a wonderful experience ahead of you. This will be hard to explain without sounding really uppity, but if indeed you need to ask the question, "why don't we have proof", then it tells me that you don't yet know what 'christian' is.
Remember, "an evil generation seeks for a sign", because without the sign they would not choose to see life - and with the sign they would be "buying and selling". There is a good reason that there isn't proof and that scriptures are not understood.
But, "take heed how you hear, for to him who has more will be given", and there are some ways of hearing that I don't think you want to really take on - jwism for starters.