Well everyone, I waited to post this because last time I posted about falling for someone it ended quickly on the other persons end and I fell apart. I took a few months off, just being myself, but the last month I have been dating this wonderful girl. She is amazing to me! She lives about 6 hours from me, and we have met in person once, she is coming to be my date to my friends wedding next weekend, I guess I will be coming out to the world!!! Oh well, I am ready and she is worth it, there is no one I would rather have with me than her! I want to thank you all that gave me advice when I was struggling back in May. You are all so wonderful, thanks for all your support, I will keep you updated, but I have had a month of bliss, and do not plan on turning back...
Dating again :)
by wonderwoman77 11 Replies latest social relationships
Good to see you back again, WW. Best of luck to you with this one. And if it doesn't work out for the long haul, well... enjoy the moments as they occur. The present is what we have; the rest is just thoughts in our heads.
Thanks for the kind words COMF!!!
((((((WW)))))) !!!!!
We've missed you! Nice to hear that you're happy and in love again!
Don't be such a stranger!
I am so glad you are dating again. That is way cool. I would start dating myself, but my wife won't let me. Do you think she is narrow minded?
You go girl! We're really happy for you! Good luck with the whole "closet exit" routine!
ok miss wonder, what about my question, should I date or not date, and should i let my wife interfere with my nocturnal habits? I am patientely waiting for your answer.
sister wonder, i just don't understand people like you. You are having a great time, well, i guess that is right fine, but why do have to tell us. I would not share that with anybody, and I just don't understand why you have a need to do so. Why do you have to expose your whole life like you are doing? I feel very sorry for you.
Dog gone it, Larc, what is up with you lately? You are making cantankerous an art form.
Every one has their own comfort levels about what they are willing to share on this board. WW shared a bit a news with us about the goings on with her life. Is it because it has to do with dating that you find it questionable? Is it because it involves dating another WOMAN you find it objectionable? Or should all details of ones "personal" life not be posted about? I still remember you asserting that a newbie was "full of shit" because she asked a question regarding JW's and oral sex. You didn't like that she didn't "introduce" herself first. So, then she did that. Happy now?
Also, sharing about one's dating experiences does not mean their WHOLE life is exposed. I have been pretty open regarding some aspects of my life on this discussion board. There are some things, however, that I just do not feel comfortable sharing here. If you believe that EVERYTHING regarding sex and sexuality should be kept off the board and private, OK, IT IS DULY NOTED HERE. Some of us do not agree and as long as it doesn't degenerate into salacious story swapping, I do not see the problem. We are sexual beings and that part of our lives do not need to be hidden in the shadows only to be whispered, and snickered, about.
Now, as far as you dating. I know you asked WW but, I am going to offer my opinion on that. Many times you have shared your admiration and love for Zazu. I think it's wonderful. Perhaps you outta stick with that. I think the dating scene may not be so tolerant of your various moods.
BG, Andee, Larc shuffles his feet and looks to the ground and says, "I be sorry, me went too far." Sorry golden girl.