I am sure that this has been dicussed before, but I am somewhat new to the site. I know that the Society keeps copies of books written by former witnesses, but do they moniter sites such as this one? If so, how closely?
Does the Watchtower read postings?
by freedom96 21 Replies latest jw friends
: but do they moniter sites such as this one? If so, how closely?
Daily. They are looking for several things. First, anyone who claims to have a position of responsibility like an elder, or higher. They are looking for clues to "out" those people and get rid of them. Second, they closely monitor apostates, especially well-known ones who have a reputation for accuracy to see what they are discovering and saying. And of course, they want to see what people are finding out and saying about them. Most Corporations do the same thing. It's part of business and the business of the Watchtower is business.
A very recent example of the power of this particular board, is it was first revealed here that for TEN years the Watchtower had secretely joined the UN as an affiliate. Within a matter of a few days the shock and embarrassment of the world finding out Watchtower hypocrisy, they resigned their affiliation and then lied about why they had joined in the first place.
Yes, they DO watch this board and others.
I most definitely beleive so. They will assign people to visit sites such as these to check out for copyright infringement (publication covers and pictures) and just to keep tabs on the apostates. Sort of like a reconaissance mission to check out your enemy. I remember they also cracked down on those two fellows in Europe who posted the secret Elders book on the Internet "Pay attention to yourselves and All the flock" which they claimed was robbed from a JW's house. They also made their best attempts at df'ing anyone they could catch who was remotely associated with the AJWRB. And you have to wonder what must be going on in those poor fellows minds. They read this stuff and on one hand they know there is a spark of truth at what is being posted, and at the other hand will shove it to the back of their minds and bury it. Its a classic case of denial.
I doubt it strongly!!!!!!
: I doubt it strongly!!!!!!
I know for a FACT from several highly placed WT officials that they do indeed monitor these sites. It only makes sense that they would anyway. They ARE paranoid, you know. All Cult leaders are.
Discretion is the better part of valor....many do not post personal info because of the mere possibility (probability) that this and other sites are monitored by WTS.
: many do not post personal info because of the mere possibility (probability) that this and other sites are monitored by WTS.
Whether the WTS would monitor a board or not, one always has to be careful about posting on a world-wide discussion board.
Those that do, don't give a shit what the WTS thinks or does. Any dub who would post information identifying him or herself would face a good chance of getting "outted" to the WTS, but not from "apostates." The last thing apostates want is for yet another average dub to get DFd. It would be from one of their own who's also not supposed to be reading boards like this. I've seen it happen.
Sorry, I can not be paranoid. But if you wish I could say
"There are indeed watching us, with the black helicopters hovering around my house with the Watchtower symbol on the side. In fact I ever heard that the FBI keeps track of all these messages and the individual members to see that they do not let their secret come out, that the organization was actually started by a alien race from the 13th planet that would return on December 21, 2012 and use the Witnesses like cattle to feed their workers to mine the planet of minerals they use to increase their power. Then there is also the theory that the Witnesses are in fact controlling the weather and covering up the true assassination detail of JFK, which as we all know was Brother Elvis who actually faked his death to become a regular Pioneer, which he did for many years with Brother Jimmy Hoffa until the decided to return to their life of being immortals in a world wide contest to see who would be the one to bring peace to all mankind.
... well I guess it is all possible! Personally though, I just do not care and would laugh if they were spending their time here and not listening to their own advice. Maybe they send people into whore houses to to sample the goods and ask the girls if they know Brother such and such. Also, could they be listening to all the rock music for hours to see if they truly get the desire to kill their parents and sleep with woman they are not married to. They could also be sending out people throughout the world to actually have friends with worldly people to see if it is true that "bad association spoils useful habits."
If it makes us feel important to think that they are reading our post online and checking each word for copyright infringement, I say "more power to you", but in reality ... and yes, that word sucks sometimes ... I repeat myself, I doubt it. They go after the big stuff, and this is not that. This is just one of those chat rooms they tell people to avoid, less they be stumbled by the truth.
My thought
Brother Dragon, you are really goofy.
I thought Onacruise was Goofy?