Hey, Thorn,
That is the Walsh case, however I read Fred Franz Q&A, which basically was the same, but did not have the army section in it.
On Witnet, they did a fine job of discussing it, but I have a different opinion on their conclusion. I can't quite grasp their reasoning.
Maxee - where is the jw research link?
I really didn't understand that Unity is put above Bible Truth. Doesn't that somehow smack against the Truth of the Bible? We should go along with Biblical error for the sake of unity?
Disfellowshipped because someone disturbed the Unity - even if they were right.
Is that what happened to that brother who did the research on the 607 (supposed) error? Could he have been right and disfellowshipped because his light was ahead of the GB's light? This is logical - but only if you want thinking people who may disagree to be silent - for as long as you want them to be silent.
The "solid witnesses" said yes. But, excuse me, isn't that what most other churches do? Just "go along?"
I came into the Truth because I thought it was the Truth. I didn't come into the Unity movement. I came in in the '60's - no one was looking for unity during those years!
I do not agree with disfellowshipping persons because they disagree and speak about it. Oh, I forgot, there's new light now, disagreeable Christians will now "disassociate themselves."
Unity above Truth.