It was a dark and stormy night.....

by Mimilly 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    Actually, it was dark and it was night, but it was clear and something happened last night that creeped me out and has no explanation. I'm wondering if anyone has had similiar things happen.

    The setting: I'm sick with a stupid cold and decided to sleep on the couch in the livingroom. We have this huge comfy couch and I was surrounded by two dogs and two cats. All of them. (a very comfy couch indeed) I couldn't sleep due to a very sore throat and was just laying (lying?) there enjoying my pets' slumber. My oldest girl, Beth, was out partying and has yet to come home. (she's 20 in sept. btw) My youngest, Shelene, is visiting my mom, a five hour drive away. So I was alone, except for 2 cats and 2 dogs who were all accounted for around me.

    The telephone rings 3 times and stops. No biggie. Someone's been pulling that on us for awhile now. They did it twice last night. This seems totally unrelated but thought I'd throw it in

    I live in a 3 level townhouse and the comfy couch is on the middle floor, and right beneath Shelene's room. Whenever someone walks in Shelene's room, there is a distinctive sound on the floor, and very different from when the pets walk on it. Well, I heard someone moving around in Shelene's room. I began thinking that Beth had come in while I dozed for a few. Then, one of Shelene's musical globes started playing. One with the tune "My favorite things" (I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel sooo bad)

    I counted the pets just to make sure it wasn't a cat, and it wasn't, and couldn't be, to make those sounds on the floor. The music kept playing. I began to get creeped out because Shelene's door is always closed when she is 'not in the building'. I very slowly and quietly walked up the stairs while the music continued to play. Her door was indeed, shut. I began thinking - oh my god, someone has broken in etc. I went to touch the handle on her door and the music stopped. I flung the door open and turned the light on in a split second and - nothing. No one there. The window is open, but there was hardly a breeze and her globes are sheltered on a bookcase. I tested them to see which one it was, and it was the one in the middle, with a teddy bear on it. Shelene never plays her globes. This was also one that didn't have a globe around it, but turned and played this song, one my mom sang to me alot when I was a kid and I always loved it. (that and ca sara sara, whatever will be will be ...)

    I searched for every explanation I could, but I can find none. These were not figments of my imagination as even Diego, my big dog, looked up to the ceiling when I heard someone moving around. He was listening, but not reacting. I certainly don't feel afraid - just creeped. Anyone else have weird stuff like this happen?

    Mimilly, who was wide awake at the time

  • Mimilly

    jjrizo - lol - no it wasn't. And unfortunately, I'm being serious here. I'm not pulling anyone's leg or any other body part for that matter.

    but thanks...


  • Tinkerbell4125

    mim, you have freaked me out girl! Is that the first time anything like that has happened and have you told your girls?

  • Scully


    Yes, I have had things like this happen to me. Similar but different. All of them involving people I was close to who had died. We can talk about it in e-mail if you like.

    Look at it this way: Your mom still cares about you and knows about all the rough times you've been having lately. Maybe she thought that hearing the song she used to sing to you would help you feel better.

    Love, Scully

  • Scully

    Oh, and I meant to include the words to the song, which is from The Sound of Music:

    Raindrops on roses,
    And whiskers on kittens,
    Bright copper kettles
    And warm woolen mittens.
    Brown paper packages
    Tied up with string,
    These are a few of my favorite things.
    Cream colored ponies,
    And crisp apple strudel.
    Doorbells and sleighbells
    And schnitzel with noodles,
    Wild geese that fly
    With the moon on their wings,
    These are a few of my favorite things.
    Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
    Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
    Silver white winters that melt into springs
    These are a few of my favorite things.
    When the dog bites,
    When the bee stings,
    When I'm feeling sad.
    I simply remember my favorite things,
    And then I don't feel so bad!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Scully, do you think our minds plays tricks on us though? Not saying that this didn't happen to you! But I had a dream after my dad's death and it woke me up in my sleep! My father and I always had a rough relationship and I was taking his death really hard. I dreamed that we were sitting, talking, crying, holding hands, and he said to me, I'm so sorry N*******. If I had known that this would have hurt you so bad, I would have never done it. **he took his life**

    I sat up in bed crying my eyes out. I've often wondered if it was him speaking to me through a dream or was it something that I wanted so bad, I just dreamed it. Maybe it was a angel, I don'no. My dad had never said he was sorry for anything. He wasn't the mushy type either. I just wonder if that's what I needed at that moment to get me by.

    Being raised a j.w. I have alot of questions about the dead, it's interesting to me. I guess I'm weird in that way! Tell us what happened in your case, was it really spooky?????

  • SYN

    Mimilly, you should've taken the advice of the Elders and gotten rid of all that second-hand furniture. You probably have THE DEEMINZ!!!! living in your house now!

  • Mimilly

    Tink - sorry hon, but it happened. I've had unusual things occur before, but not like this. And it wasn't my mind playing tricks. The dog noticed it too, just didn't react.

    Scully - thank you for the words to that song. This stuff seems to run in the family. Mom saw my brother twice after he died. When I lived in Germany I 'knew' something was wrong with my mom and after a week of these thoughts and dreams, I couldn't take it anymore and called her. She denied that anything was wrong and I said that after the week I'd been through, to not bullshit me. Then she told me that she had cancer and that it was malignant. (I flew home to Canada with Beth to be with her. She was skin and bones) She lived and has been over a decade free of cancer. (She had two bouts of breast cancer and this was her first)

    I've also spoken with my brother Craig while asleep, and a month ago (approx), I spent some time speaking with Starr, my friend who committed suicide cos of the borg. It was years after her death, yet it was as though she was in my room. It was one of those moments when you notice something, but nothing is there, and I said "Starr?" It was incredible and unbelieveable all at the same time. (no she didn't speak with a voice) It's very hard to explain. If I could, I wouldn't be asking others if they had similiar experiences.

    Thing is that mom didn't know about my depression/suicidal ideations until this morning when I called to make sure she and Shelene were alright. Shelene had only told her that things were not going great.

    Syn - If these are demenzz love, they're nice ones And the furniture ain't second hand - Mom went all out when she got this place, and it's all hers, not mine.

    Edited by - Mimilly on 1 September 2002 10:31:18

  • Matty

    The God of the Watchtower is telling you not to try and corrupt his followers by torturing you with Doris Day songs. It will continue until you repent.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm not sure how much to believe in things like this, but a few years ago we lived in this old house that was kind of run down (we thought it would be a good idea to buy a fixer-upper; not a good idea). Anyway our basset hound used to stare at the ceiling and make muffled little barks. Sometimes his head would move back and forth like he was watching something move. Needless to say, I was kinda freaked out because I never heard anything; I even went outside to look on the roof and there was nothing there. Can animals, like dogs and cats, see and hear things we can't?

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