Actually, it was dark and it was night, but it was clear and something happened last night that creeped me out and has no explanation. I'm wondering if anyone has had similiar things happen.
The setting: I'm sick with a stupid cold and decided to sleep on the couch in the livingroom. We have this huge comfy couch and I was surrounded by two dogs and two cats. All of them. (a very comfy couch indeed) I couldn't sleep due to a very sore throat and was just laying (lying?) there enjoying my pets' slumber. My oldest girl, Beth, was out partying and has yet to come home. (she's 20 in sept. btw) My youngest, Shelene, is visiting my mom, a five hour drive away. So I was alone, except for 2 cats and 2 dogs who were all accounted for around me.
The telephone rings 3 times and stops. No biggie. Someone's been pulling that on us for awhile now. They did it twice last night. This seems totally unrelated but thought I'd throw it in
I live in a 3 level townhouse and the comfy couch is on the middle floor, and right beneath Shelene's room. Whenever someone walks in Shelene's room, there is a distinctive sound on the floor, and very different from when the pets walk on it. Well, I heard someone moving around in Shelene's room. I began thinking that Beth had come in while I dozed for a few. Then, one of Shelene's musical globes started playing. One with the tune "My favorite things" (I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel sooo bad)
I counted the pets just to make sure it wasn't a cat, and it wasn't, and couldn't be, to make those sounds on the floor. The music kept playing. I began to get creeped out because Shelene's door is always closed when she is 'not in the building'. I very slowly and quietly walked up the stairs while the music continued to play. Her door was indeed, shut. I began thinking - oh my god, someone has broken in etc. I went to touch the handle on her door and the music stopped. I flung the door open and turned the light on in a split second and - nothing. No one there. The window is open, but there was hardly a breeze and her globes are sheltered on a bookcase. I tested them to see which one it was, and it was the one in the middle, with a teddy bear on it. Shelene never plays her globes. This was also one that didn't have a globe around it, but turned and played this song, one my mom sang to me alot when I was a kid and I always loved it. (that and ca sara sara, whatever will be will be ...)
I searched for every explanation I could, but I can find none. These were not figments of my imagination as even Diego, my big dog, looked up to the ceiling when I heard someone moving around. He was listening, but not reacting. I certainly don't feel afraid - just creeped. Anyone else have weird stuff like this happen?
Mimilly, who was wide awake at the time