I just had a great idea.It has been inspired by my own post about the comparison of the past Reformers of the Church with that of ex-JWs who seek to reform the WTS. Althouh I have gotten very few responses to my post I am convinced that most believe the Protestant Reformation program accurately symbolizes our own reformation efforts of the WTS. Hence comes my big idea.
Lets make use of the historical event of Luthers posting the 95 theses or indictments against the churches many sins on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg in the German state of Saxony.
. Lets use it as a huge publicity stunt for the march on Bethel at the end of the month.
Here is what I propose we do. We should carefully amongst ourselves compose 95 indictments against the WTS. It should summarize the society's many sins against God. We then should have many copies printed of this document for wide distribution. We should arrange for a formal presentation of these indictments to the governing body at Bethel at the time of the march.
I am certain the media will latch on to this big time. We could for the time of the march prepare a press release containing the indictments for release at that time.
What does anybody think?
Edited by - zechariah on 1 September 2002 19:40:3