by zev 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ugg

    i am having problems....i get the article and no sound???? what do i need to do????????????

    i really want to hear this.....my volume is up,,,what is next???? thanks to anyone who can help...

  • zev

    are you getting to the web page?

    do you have a media player like winamp that can play mp3's?

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    ugg i had to have the audio file up for nearly a minute before the sound kicked in.
    try it again, but wait a little while.
    it really is worth waiting for.

  • chester

    Zev and Gwen,

    I would like you to know that I also appreciate what you did.

    Thank you.


  • garybuss


    The purpose of the KM article and the meeting to present it to the agents is simply to promote the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.

    The meeting was arranged by the Watch Tower Corporation at a time set by the Watch Tower Corporation, in a building owned and controlled by the Watch Tower Corporation. The papers read at the meeting were written by the Watch Tower Corporation about the Watch Tower Corporation for the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.

    The meetings are in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Literature production and distribution is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Isolation of members and isolation of dissenters is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.

    Shunning and snubbing is in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation. Everything is done and said in the best interests of the Watch Tower Corporation.

    Nothing new, no surprises. If I insist on petting a skunk, sooner or later I will get pissed on. The nature of the skunk is to piss on that which he does not like.



  • lisaBObeesa

    ************Thank you for recording this!!!**************

    The points that really prompted the gag reflex in me:

    When someone said something like, even if they(df family member) cant take care of themselves we wouldnt want them in our house if their attitude is bad.

    Anther person in their answer said this amazing piece of doublethink: We need to consider: Did they just fall on hard times? Or do they really need help? HELLO, PEOPLE!!!!!!

    And of course, when the speaker emphasized what this article IS...

    Q: What IS this article, brothers and sisters?

    A: This article is a loving reminder from Jehovah.

    Barf!!!! Jehovah is in Brooklyn. I couldnt stand hearing that line when I was 12, and I cant stand it now. Barf barf barf.

    Also encouraging use of a barf bag was the use of the phrase, solidify in your mind.

    My sister prides herself on shunning our mom, but always reminds me that she could talk to mom if she wanted. (Like she is trying to make sure I know she is free to think for herself or something. Humm.) She yelled at me regarding how she treats mom, I can do whatever I want! If I chose to talk to her, I could. I will mention in my next phone call with her how sorry I am that she now CANT choose to speak to mom if she wants to since the society told her NO! in the last KM. That should get her rebellious nature all fired up!

    Thanks again for recording this and posting this on the web!!! Great stuff!


  • zev

    thanks everyone for your opinions and thoughts.

    later in the week i want to come back with a little bit about how

    i felt about going there after being away for over 8 months.


  • LB

    zev this stuff is hard to listen to. I'm forcing myself to listen to the entire recording now. I can't imagine being there in person. Did you drag out the uniform for the meeting?

  • outnfree

    (((((((zev and gwen))))))))

    Thanks for your sacrifice!

    I had trouble hearing the complete Part 2, but all the other audio files came through just fine on my RealPlayer.

    I don't know if I could have refrained from saying something like "that disfellowshipping practice seemed a little harsh to me" when you were love-bombed by the elder (who referred to the part himself, to my surprise!) on exiting the Kingdom Hall.

    Maybe it's because I had cause to reread the August KM in the past few days (after Sentinel and sOoner's resulting posts on the very sad fallout that's already begun), but I was most struck by the audio file on "discontinuing subscriptions." There is NO loving service from the Society to the friends, their friends or relatives (df'd or otherwise), and all in the name of cutting costs! WT and Awake! mailed together like third world countries?!!!! Boy, oh, boy, donations MUST be drying up!


    outnfree (and counting her blessings about that EVERY day!)

    Edited by - outnfree on 2 September 2002 17:43:24

  • Simon

    Yeah, thanks Zev & Gwen ... our special ops

    It was earie hearing a service meeting after not going for so long.

    And considering it is all supposed to be about love and following the gospels, it seemed to be a long, complicated set of rules and procedures and nothing religious at all !

    We appreciate the effort you put into doing this and sharing it with us all.

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