Why Is This New Batch of Governing Body Members So Stupid?

by Brokeback Watchtower 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Well there are lots of reason for sure, denial, delusion, wishful thinking, ego maniac, infantile understanding of ancient writings, Satanophobia, Xenophobia, out of touch with reality, limited choices scrapping the bottom of the barrel,and many more.

    Listen to this Ted talk and see if you can pick out something that helps explain why these guys are such ass holes:

    Organizations are often run according to “the superchicken model,” where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn’t what drives the most high-achieving teams.

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  • The_Doctor10

    This GB just wants its faces out there, they came out from behind the curtain and showed themselves...to be complete idiots. Especially Morris, a special brand of religitard that one is, his annual meeting talk made me want to vomit, he's just an idiotic bigot.

    Before the GB showed up on the scene they were a mysterious entity, now they broke the spell and showed themselves for the old religious bigots that they are.

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  • Finkelstein

    The correct answer to that might be a accumulation of a lot of factors, such as ignorance from a poor education, delusions of stature by the actual position held, delusions held personally about the organization itself after long standing mental indoctrination. Power equates to ego and elevates ones own personal identity add in a possible below average IQ.

    Religion is about making something up toward empowering yourself and publicly notarizing what you say and proclaim. The process of self empower comes through by finding people who will believe and support what you have self proclaim.

    The WTS. over the years has done a lot of self proclaiming about things that weren't true or were misleading particularly in regards to bible theology but they were nevertheless able to attract attention to their published literature.

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  • BluesBrother

    Have to agree that the current incumbents of the "ivory towers" at the ,presumably, Patterson offices are the most half witted bunch of losers that you could wish for. They do not even have the sense to lie low, and appear on few "special" occasions , speaking with dignity.

    Even the faithful old-timers don't like them

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  • sir82

    They are really dim-witted, aren't they?

    Old timers like Barr, Barber (pre-senility anyway), Sydlik, Barry, etc. at least were dignified and gave the appearance of competence.

    The current crop don't appear to have the brain power to run a bait stand.

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  • StrongHaiku

    sir82 - Old timers like Barr, Barber (pre-senility anyway), Sydlik, Barry, etc. at least were dignified and gave the appearance of competence.

    I totally agree. All dignity is gone. This current strategy of the GB for a "Cult of Personality" is both bewildering but understandable. They can't sell their ideas on merit so they have to appeal to "personality". I think in light of all of their failures to date, the current GB are desperately trying to be framed as a modern "Moses" class that gets out there and can be seen by people to keep them encouraged and build loyalty/confidence that the "promise land" is near. This desperate move is likely to backfire. A "Cult of Personality" is a two-edged sword because it requires an authentic and compelling "personality" that can deliver results. The GB have neither.

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  • Londo111

    I do have to wonder sometimes if there is something to the rumors that the GB are just figureheads and someone else is calling the shots.

    People like Morris, Lett, or Loche might be kept totally in the dark about issues like child abuse, and never make decisions about policy. I wonder if they want to change a teaching, if it can be overruled by the suits above them. Or if they merely give rubberstamp approval to doctrinal changes...just like a congergation rubberstamps the decisions of elders.

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  • sir82

    I think of that too, but then I think, If you're going to have figureheads, you should at least have appealing figureheads, guys that inspire confidence & loyalty & enthusiasm..

    These guys appear as idiotic or unhinged or deadly dull.

    I can't figure it out.

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  • tim3l0rd

    I think the reason why GB 2.0 seems so stupid compared to the prior GB is that the prior members of the GB were brought up in an organization that gave some leeway to those in the organization to form their own opinions and discuss them. Those that joined JWs after disfellowshipping and other changes were instituted that restricted free thinking have been severely mentally handicapped. We're seeing the result of this now.

    GB 2.0 is not college educated and has not been able to freely discuss doctrine nor think for themselves their entire JW life. This obviously has a profound effect on their mental capacity. I know that since waking up I have also noticed how my thinking ability was handicapped and not just in all things JW.

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  • Vidiot
    Maybe the movers and shakers behind the GB want them out front making fools of themselves to deflect attention away from themselves.
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