WTS: what does the future hold?

by RR 13 Replies latest social current

  • RR

    Let me ask you guys something ... what about the article do you see as "exaggerated"?

    Also in regards to the Independent JW groups in Europe, I have been in touch with some of their leaders, and yes, although some of these groups were breaklaays from the post Rutherford era, there are newer ones who have broken away since the fall of communism. Alot was lost during those years, and when the Society came in after the fall, some could not deal with the chanes and felt like the other groups that the Society apostasized.

    It should also be noted that the Society made a big stink about how many "Jehovah's Witnesses" they found still faithful in these countries, I'm surev there numbers included the "other" JW's.

  • Farkel


    Ouch! Thanks for pointing that out! I edited my post accordingly.

    Hovering-in-the-Corner Class

  • Analysis

    I just thought I would make a list of "New Things" that have been printed in the last 10 years.

    Generation Change

    Separating the Sheep from the Goats Change

    Alternative Service Allowed instead of Prison

    Surgical Birth Control no longer a matter of Conscience

    Acknowledgement that it might have rained before the flood

    The Digesting Thing standing where it ought not moved to a future event

    I think that they added to the head covering requirements

    Disassociation for taking Blood, instead of Disfellowshipping

    New Corporations

    Could it be only 9 new topics in 240 issues of the Watchtower?

  • RR

    Actually, some of the new light is actually old light, so in reality, it's nothing new.

    The new view on the "Generation" was actually taught by C.T. Russell

    The new view on the "Separating the Sheep from the Goats" was taught by C.T. Russell.

    "Alternative Service Allowed instead of Prison" was a matter of conscious in Russell's day.

    "The "disgusting thing" was totally different in Russell's day, the Society today taught it was the "United Nations," Russell believed it was the "mass" instituted by the Church.

    Consecrated sisters in the old days wore head coverings.

    As far as blood? It was never an issue with Russell or even Rutherford.

    As to new corporations? There were only three incorporated bodies, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society [PA], People's Pulpit Asociation [NY] and the IBSA [UK]. There were some other corporations that were used, however these were never incorporated as a body. For instance the Society use to advertise the "Old Theology Quarterly" tracts under the name "Laymen's Home Missionary Movement" they also use to name for convention business. In 1918, after the split, former WT pilgrim Paul S.L. Johnson, incorporated the name, it is still in use by the Laymen's, followers of Johnson.

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