Letter from society

by TweetieBird 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    After the WT study yesterday, the conductor read a letter from the society about the subscriptions. I knew that they had cancelled the subscriptions to the magazines, but now they have discontinued almost all forms of subscriptions, i.e. watchtower/awake on tape, large print wt, etc. The only subscription still available is an audio for the blind, and that is only on a limited basis, for those completely unable to attend a meeting. Also, in the interests of simplification, the congregation will only receive a magazine shipment twice a month, instead of weekly. What struck me funny was the "frequently asked questions" at the end of the letter. It asked about what if someone is disfellowshipped? It said that the df'd person could pick their mags up at KH just like everyone else, but they were not to be on anyone's magazine route.

    I sat there wondering if any other dubs could sense the fall of the great and mighty WTS.

  • Francois

    Yes, I have been sensing it coming for some time now, along with he replay in my mid of "how are the mightyf fallen." The WT has been, to say the least, arrogant to a fault for many a year, for at least as long as I've been present on this earth. And I continue to say that we sould help them on their way out as a characteristic of the human condition as soon as possible.

    The times, they are a'changin'.


  • ozziepost
    It said that the df'd person could pick their mags up at KH just like everyone else

    Yeah, right! Can you really picture a DF person queuing at the magazine counter, waiting to obtain their personal copies?

    I thought DF persons usually were expected to leave the KH immediately the meeting had concluded?

    Seems to me they don't want the DF to get their supply of "spiritual food".

    This is rather like the treatment of the Kingdom Ministry non-distribution to DF persons i.e. they can't get it!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • zev

    here is the audio of the reading of that letter.

    i dont have a scan of it, but the actual reading will do



  • onacruse

    ozzie: Not only can df'd persons attend any meeting (for book study: only at KH) they want, but can also get any literature they want. A couple elders stopped by the other day and invited me to do just that!

    I agree, though, that it would take a certain brashness. I haven't yet, but am somewhat tempted. Heck, I've got such a streak of "independent thinking," it made me leave Bethel and end up df'd (for apostasy) twice.

    For me, a little stroll into the KH would be "a walk in the park, man, a walk in the park." LOL


  • Lin

    Zev, thanks for posting that link. I find it hysterical what the WT is doing! Looks to me like they're running scared! LOL

  • Mulan

    I wonder what my mother will do now. She gets the large print WT, and is pretty housebound. She is frail and listens to the meetings on the phone. She will get one visit a month from anyone from there, if she is lucky.

    Does anyone know if they are still going to make the large print magazines?

  • Flip

    sat there wondering if any other dubs could sense the fall of the great and mighty WTS. - Tweets'

    I strongly doubt the reduced emphasis on publication production equates to an imminent demise of Watchtower Inc. Although it's tax treatment is divine, think of the WTBTS as a corporation more like Johnson & Johnson or General Electric rather than as a part of a self-professed cosmic entity.

    Now that the Watchtower has reached marketing critical mass and in the efforts of maintaining assets for the long haul, the need for less incriminating forms of revenue generation supersede the once lucrative method of volume in house publication sales (donations).

    Real estate acquisitions, such as convention sites, site specific hotels, and pseudo-religious education and administration centers are where its at in the effort to maintain the all important government sanctioned religious tax exemptions.

    The only true Jehovahs Witnesses will be those in control of the deeds, or perhaps, it has always been so.

  • CornerStone

    I like how Flip interprits the WT situation. No sacred, religious descriptions of the WT cult, just corporate/businesslike terms used. The org is just that, a corporation. It uses the cult of the jehovahs witnesses to maintain it's corporate solvency, thats all it does. I stopped thinking of the cult in religious terms awhile ago. Now, to me, everything they say or do is decided in a board room, with lawyer suits hanging around influencing ALL decisions.

    If the wtbts is trouble, it's due to shrinking of the cult of the jehovahs witnesses. Thats where the orgs paycheck comes from. The org will have to file for bankruptcy if it's "paycheck" is hit too hard.


  • Francois

    When horses get in this kinda terrible shape, they shoot 'em, don't they?



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