Why Are JWs Allowed To Ignore Immigration Laws?

by ErieGuy 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • simplesally

    Ozzie..... I was a regular pioneer until about 2 years ago. I only got df'd this year. We live in Los Angeles, most probably the land of the most illegal immigrants. Our sister hall was a Spanish hall. Even tho they had brothers filling the hall, most could not be used. They were always happy when one would marry a legal sister because soon the brother could be used once his status changed and he got his green card.

    The position I stated IS the current position here in the USA.

  • BluesBrother

    O K , I know that this is old information, but I distinctly remember being told at an elders school some years ago that illegal immigrants could be accepted for baptism

    We started by asking, "Why?" - the phrase the instructor used was that "Elders are not spiritual policemen" Several of us felt uneasy with that , but since I then lived in an area where it was not a local issue, it was left at that.

    it just seemed inconsistant with the otherwise tight adherence to the rule of Romans 13.

  • avengers

    We already know that eriefly is AngryXJW is MadApostate, and it seems he has a nasty habit of calling posters, among other things, "Satan's Spawn." remember this:


    YOU (and a LOT of other posters at this site) were KICKED OUT of the WTS because you don't have an honest bone in your body!!!!________


    LIVE WITH THAT....SATAN'S SPAWN !!!---------Erieguy

    check out this old thread and a poster addressing MadApostate:

    Please. You will pull my chain no more; I'm done with you.I will accept anybody at face value, as I have you, but I'm certainly not inclined to cooperate or dialogue with someone who shouts his demands and acts like a schoolyard bully. You call Maximus a jerk, a hatchetman of the Borg, lump him in with "Satan's spawn" and a few other choice insults after he had given you information you requested about the theme for the circuit assemblies. (Read the threads, he never called you a troll; Talleyman did.) Max did not respond in kind to your flaming and vulgarity. You now want him to vouch for you? You have to be kidding!--------Eusebius Hieronymus (addressing MadApostate)

    see: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=9907&site=3

    Remember this earlier post, which he copied and pasted to every thread dealing with the military and the WTS:

    PLEASE do not let this particular DECEPTION (this poster and his cronies have more) cause you to believe that all posters here are "unscruptulous LIARS" or that issues such as "the WTS's molestation reporting problem", or "the WTS's United Nations NGO membership" are not GENUINE SCANDALS._______

    Just so you will know about this "NAVY CONTRACT" deception:_______------ERIEGUY

    He attempted to make it appear that he was only concerned with new posters taking the child molestation issue seriously by discrediting any WTS military contract association. This is strange behavior for someone who's comments in older threads seem as if they are attempting, in an underhanded way, to discredit the molestation issue. This is a poster's response to him:


    First of all, I will talk to my editors about this release. Secondly, your chatter does a disservice to the cause. We are assisting several who have been harmed by the WTBTS. I am studyig to be a professional counselor, and work under the guidance of licensed counselor. Unless you have any suggestions keep your angry, insulting comments to yourself. What are you doing besides talking about it?-----John JBB123

    The thread is "Press Release: JWs and Child Molestation" and Mad Apostate showed how "concerned" he was with the child molestation issue.


    the comment made by erieguy in the next link also shows a concern that the molestation issue be taken seriously, doesn't it?:


    so if he's not concerned with the child molestation issue as he claims, and he attempts to keep posters busy writing editors with complete nonsense issues while he attempts to discredit any real damaging issues, what do you think he's up too?

    it's also strange that MadApostate, in his early post, claims he hasn't had any recent association with the Witnesses and comes across as being ignorant regarding how often assemblies are held and can't figure out how to find out what the theme of an upcoming assembly is?:


    this is certainly odd since in more recent threads he admits to talking to Witness acquaintances. why wouldn't he have asked them about the theme? it's also strange that one can't find out basic information, yet one can figure out how to obtain foreign WTS information.


    if I'm not mistaken, he has even figured out where the WTS writers get their material........

  • avengers
  • ErieGuy

    ABSOLUTELY R.O.T.F.L.M.A.O.!!!!!!

  • deddaisy

    boy if you think this is funny, you must've really been rolling on the floor after being deleted for insulting the poster that was allegedly molested.........

    oh, this comment to Randy Watters also shows what you think of this forum:

    Way to go, Randy!!!
    Was it your turn this month to again bring up this ever repeating NON-ISSUE?
    Only this peanut gallery could make a "scandal" out of what is obviously just the WTS and/or individual JWs donating funds or assets to their own India Branch.

    Again, the "boyz in legal" are laughing their asses off!!!--------------AngryXJW


    yea, I'd say you have a strange sense of humour for an XJW ..........

  • ErieGuy

    Avengers, DedDaisey, and Gerard are LYING FOOLS, who are the the BEST ALLIES the WTS has on the internet.

  • plmkrzy
    So then, why does the WTS tolerate (encourage by its own inaction) the continuous ignorance of immigration laws?

    The way it is suppose to go is

    "Gods" laws are first

    "Mans" laws are second

  • plmkrzy

    Living very near the border I see a lot of this.

    Also there is a WHOLE LOT of this in Utah. But maybe they are becoming mormons there

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